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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Name: Adam Oxman

Year: Senior

Major: BBA

Hometown: Highland Park, IL         

Interests: Reading novels, music, playing and watching sports, working out, traveling, community service, cheffing up and consuming culinary treats, and quality time with friends and family!


Her Ccampus: Who is your celebrity crush?

Adam Oxman: This is an easy one – Katy Perry. I can tell from her movie, Part of Me, and songs such as “Dark Horse” and “I Kissed a Girl and I Liked it” that she knows how to have fun, has a big heart, and is very down to earth.


HC: When you meet a girl, what’s the first thing you notice?

AO:  Her eyes and her smile. I can tell everything I need to know about a girl from these two simple facial features.


HC: In your opinion, where’s the best way for a guy to meet a girl? (i.e. class, a party, a mutual friend)

AO: Well, I happened to have met my girlfriend in the most unusual of ways, but that is a story for another time (if you ever see me on the street, stop and ask). If I wasn’t as lucky, I would say that class is the best way for a guy to meet a girl. That way, you form a casual relationship at first based on mutual likes and inside jokes about a goofy professor, maybe work on a group project together (i.e. plant the seed), and then connect outside of class.  


HC: With summer coming up and students heading back to their hometowns, what’s your advice for couples that will be in long distance relationships?

AO: I am glad you asked this question, as I have been in this situation before. The most important thing for couples in a summer long distance relationship is communication and at least one fun trip. Facetime, Snapchat, and iMessage are saviors, and make sure you’re sending the occasional lovey-dovey text. And the 4th of July is a perfect excuse for a long weekend getaway to your favorite beach spot on the coast.


HC: Describe what your ideal first date would look like.

AO: The season is fall. We go to a quaint Chinese restaurant, enjoy some chicken and broccoli and chow mein with shrimp. The restaurant is quiet enough so that we can have a fun/meaningful conversation, getting to know each other. Afterwards, we take a nice stroll around town, maybe get some coffee and/or ice cream.   


HC: What are your thoughts on a girl asking a guy out?

AO: Usually I call myself a traditionalist, but in this case, I have no problem with it. Haven’t you guys every heard of Turnabout? If a girl is sending guys signals but they are flying right over his head, go ahead and ask. I would probably be flattered.