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6 Do’s and Don’ts of Summer Relationships in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


College relationships are tricky. You spend the entire year attached at the hip, and then suddenly it’s summer and you’re separated. Sometimes you luck out; you happen to live close by and can see each other at your convenience. Unfortunately, many people get stuck in a much more limited situation, which can completely change everything between them and their significant other. Although every situation may be different, here are some suggestions on how to keep a summer relationship healthy, and maybe even light spark or two. 

DO: Be flirty

The most important thing to do during a summer realtionship is to try and make the other person smile. Keep your conversations interesting and fun. While you’re away from your significant other, it is always a good idea to give a nice reminder of why you like each other so much. Texting something cute or flirty is never a bad idea.



DON’T: Be clingy

Although it’s tricky, try not to be too clingy. And by too clingy, we mean you don’t need to know or ask what he or she is doing every second of every day. It’s important that while you may miss each other, you guys should have your space and time with your friends.  

DO: Be creative

College relationships can be very likely to change. This, however, can be a good thing in a way. Unlike college, when you two do whatever you can on campus, the summer gives you endless possibilities of things to do with one another. Try and take advantage of the places you can go and the resources you have. Maybe go spend a day soaking up the sun at the beach, cook together, or even take a weekend trip.


DON’T: Be afraid to plan in advance

Thinking ahead can help you to be more creative when it comes to the great things you guys will get to do together over the summer. Not to mention, it gives you something to look forward to.

DO: Be flexible

Even if you live close enough for pretty frequent visits, it is now summer and your schedules for the most part are drastically different than they were during the school year. When you make plans with your special someone, remember to be accommodating to their schedule as well. While something may work for you, it may not be the best for them, so make sure to keep many options open.


DON’T: Be easily disappointed

When it comes to scheduling, it can be hard to make it work for both of you all the time. If it is not going to work the day you want it to, take a step back and breath. Remind yourself that in the midst of a busy college life, you made time for each other, so you can do it at home too! Don’t get caught up in the heat of the moment. It is more important that you remember how much you care about each other, and that trumps everything.  


photo credit to: http://photos1.blogger.com/hello/280/5147/1024/01.jpg, http://media-cac…