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5 Ways to Make a Long Distance Relationship Work

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

The term “long distance relationship” is taboo in the English language—mention it in any casual conversation and you’re bound to evoke some surprised gasps and astonished whispering. Common retorts include, but are not limited to, “They’ll never last—especially in college,” or “She/he needs to be experiencing new things, meeting new people.” But c’mon people, who cares what anyone else thinks? You have to think for yourself. It’s entirely possible to go out, meet new people, experience new things, and still maintain a healthy relationship. Whether your significant other is four hours away or four minutes away, if you love them, you can make it work. Here’s how: 

1. Communication. Yes, you’ve heard it a million times before, but communication is key. Call, text, Facetime, snail mail, messenger pigeon—whatever it takes, you have to keep in contact. Whether it’s what you ate for breakfast or your opinion on nuclear fission (seriously, anything), a conversation is a conversation. Get talking.

2. Faithfulness. Love is a choice. It’s a commitment you make to someone who means the world to you. Despite popular opinion, it is possible to stay faithful in college, but it’s in your hands. You can go out, you can have fun, but at the end of the day, always remember the person who was there for you at your worst times, and loves you unconditionally.

3. Positivity. Don’t dwell on the distance, just be thankful for the connection you have. Happy vibes encourage happy vibes—if one of you is constantly complaining about the distance, it isn’t going to work. Try to focus on the positives, and remember how lucky you are to have someone who cares so much about you, even if they’re far away.

4. Make each other “Open When” cards. If you haven’t heard of them, these are notes that you can open when you’re sad, happy, bored, it’s your birthday, etc. Yes, they’re cheesy. Maybe a little cliché. But love is reminding someone how important they are to you, and these notes are a great, creative way to do it.

5. Remember why you made the decision to try long distance in the first place. Sometimes the stress of school, work, meeting new people and experiencing new things can cloud your memory. Think about the way you feel when you’re with them, and how amazing your future together will be once you make it through the hardest times. 

Images Courtesy of: hdwalls.in, girlscene.com, favim.com, and Tumblr

Hello! My name is Summer, and I am currently a freshman in LSA here at the University of Michigan. I plan on double majoring in Communications and Sociology.