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5 Ways to Ace the Fall Career Fair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


Whether you’re an LS&A gal or an engineering chick, there’s probably a career fair coming to campus this fall that fits your needs, no matter your major. Follow these five tips for a fabulous kickoff to your internship or full-time job search.


1. Dress professionally.

Even though some recruiters can act friendly and laidback, it’s always a good idea to put your most professional foot forward. Official dress code for these events is usually business casual – which can mean anything from a fitted suit to a dress with a cute blazer. Our advice? If you’re unsure, go a little more formal. Your effort, interest, and professionalism will be clear to every employer even before your conversation starts.


2. Show up early.

If you can, it’s a good idea to show up at least ten to twenty minutes before the career fair actually starts. Once the event really gets underway, lines to speak to recruiters can be long. To avoid the mid-fair rush, arrive early and carry a list of the employers you want to see first. Having a plan will make the day much smoother and more efficient.


3. Flaunt it!

Don’t be afraid to espouse the awesome attributes that qualify you for the job! Even in a short conversation with a recruiter, it’s easy to slip in a sentence about that great internship you had last summer, or your recent volunteer work that has totally prepared you for this job. Leave a resume that describes your past experience and skills with each recruiter – this could be your big opportunity to get your foot in the door!


4. Make contact.

If you had a really great conversation with a recruiter, or are really interested in a job at one of the companies, make sure to get a business card so you can email him or her later. In your email, remind them of what made your conversation unique and thank them for their time.


5. Apply, apply, apply!

Unfortunately, in this economy, jobs aren’t super-simple to come by. Don’t get discouraged by “no,” even if you have to hear it several times before landing something great. Apply to lots of internships – or, if you’re a senior, full-time jobs – at lots of different places. Then focus on acing your interviews. You can do this, girl!