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5 Tips for Surviving Dance Marathon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Dance Marathon is one of Michigan’s largest student organizations, and works to raise funds and awareness for pediatric rehabilitation programs at C.S. Mott and William Beaumont Children’s Hospitals. These therapies help children with disabilities gain more confidence and experience moments they may not have otherwise been able to. The year-long fundraising and volunteering process culminates in a 24-hour marathon where dancers stay on their feet for the full 24 hours. Since standing for 24 hours is a difficult and often painful prospect, here are a few tips for getting through the marathon.

1. Bring multiple types of shoes

Sneakers, slippers/moccasins, flip-flops, and fuzzy socks are all a good idea. Switching shoes gives your feet some much-needed release from the pain they will inevitably be in.


2. Bring something to roll your arches on

Eventually, your arches will begin to hurt. To combat this, bring a tennis ball or golf ball to roll your feet on. It will give your feet a break and hopefully offer some relief from the pain.


3. Spend time with your Dance Marathon family

This is the best way to make the time fly by! The families are truly why Dance Marathon continues to exist and thrive (#FTK). Make sure to leave some time to play with the kids in your family and get to know them a little better!

4. Participate in the line dance

Sure, it may be 5 a.m. and the last thing you want to do is dance for five minutes straight. However, the line dance is a great way to get some energy back and pump yourself up to make it through the home stretch of the marathon. Plus, it’s fun and easy!


5. Visit the inspiration tent

This area of the marathon contains pictures of the kids Dance Marathon has specifically helped, as well as inspirational quotes. It’s a great way to be reminded of why you chose to participate in the marathon and why it is so important. Try to visit this tent towards the end of the marathon, when you may be struggling to stay on your feet!