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5 Reasons Why You (Yes, YOU) Don’t Need to Diet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.


It’s almost impossible these days to turn the pages of a magazine, flip on the TV, or even walk outside without being bombarded by images of size-zero women in skin-tight outfits. Advertisements, movies, shows – even the news – seem to only feature impossibly, and sometimes dangerously, skinny women. It’s hard not to compare yourself to these unattainable ideals. But we live in the real world, not behind a camera lens, and in this world, no one looks like a Victoria’s Secret model – not even the models themselves. So don’t sweat it – you’ve got enough on your plate already, figuratively and hopefully literally, without having to worry about a diet. Better yet, you don’t need to! Here’s why you – and yes, I mean all of you – can relax and eat your dessert!


1. You’re beautiful just the way you are!

Bruno Mars knows what he’s talking about: girl, you’re amazing just the way you are! Despite criticism from the media, tons of female celebrities have defended their curvy bodies, showing that it is totally possible to love what you’ve already got. Beyonce’s famous track “Bootylicious” was written after she was pressured to lose weight. Bey says, “The song was just telling everyone to just forget what people are saying, you’re bootylicious. That’s all. It’s a celebration of curves and a celebration of women’s bodies.”


2. You’re too busy with more important stuff.

As college students, we are all notoriously busy. Classes, work, clubs, internships, sports… Who has time to count calories with that schedule? This is an awesome – and stressful – time in your life. Focus on what matters and let the small stuff go (and yes, you can file “Freshman 15” under small stuff).


3. Guys like a girl with curves.

While I’m not advocating basing your body image on your crush’s opinion, you should know that he thinks you’re great – curves and all. Jennifer Lawrence, Scarlett Johansson, and Kate Upton, all notoriously criticized for their weight, broke the top 50 on Maxim’s 2012 “Hot 100” list. What’s more, a truly good guy will care way more about who you are on the inside than about the numbers on your scale.


4. It can be a slippery slope…

We’ve all heard the horror stories: anorexia, bulimia, and body dysmorphic disorder (a scary-sounding syndrome characterized by an extreme obsession with weight and body image) can all be products of dieting. No, not every diet turns into a severe illness, but why waste your time compulsively counting calories? Do you really want to be that friend who refuses to go out for pizza at two in the morning? Live a little!


5. … or just a short-term solution.

More commonly than turning into an eating disorder, diets turn into ineffective, short-term fixes that don’t deliver results. Being healthy and attractive does not mean starving yourself or obsessing over calories – most of the time, it calls for more of a lifestyle change. Pick up a new healthy hobby – hopefully one you enjoy – like jogging or yoga, and make sure you get all your fruits and veggies. And remember: being healthy and being thin are not always the same thing. You can totally be healthy at whatever weight you already are. A little effort will go a long way, and be much more effective than dieting ever could be!