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4 Ways to Spring Into Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

Considering that I spent last week soaking up the sun in California, I know firsthand how depressing it is to head back to school after spring break. After spending the two weeks before break basically living in the library studying for midterms and writing papers, I was all too eager to jump on my plane to LAX (shout-out to Miley Cyrus) and eat, shop and relax in the warm weather. But now break is over and we all have to trudge back to our second home in Michigan where the sky is gray and the ground is slushy and slippery. But have no fear! Spring is just around the corner and soon enough you’ll get to put away your puffy Northface jacket and snowboots and take your sundresses and combat boots out of storage. In order to prepare for the warm(ish) weather we’re praying will be heading our way ASAP, here are some ways to get yourself pumped for the end of the polar vortex.


Update Your Playlist

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been listening to the same songs over and over since before winter break. It’s finally time to update your playlist with some fun and happy songs! Nothing puts me in a cheerful mood quite like listening to a light-hearted song does. So as the sun begins to shine, there’s no better way to start your day off on the right foot with a smile on your face because of a bubbly song. The website 8tracks.com is a music site filled with user-made playlists and you can narrow down your selection by selecting what kind of music you want to listen to. You can listen to a “workout+motivation+pregame” playlist or a “happy+girls night out+love” playlist. It’s a great site to get song suggestions to download onto your phone!


Butter, O.P.I. & Essie oh my!

It’s time to start transitioning your nail color from dark burgundy and deep purples to lighter colors! One of my personal favorite parts about spring is that I get to paint my nails so many fun colors. Most nail polish lines release awesome spring collections with baby blues, pretty pinks and light lavenders to make your nails pop. I suggest trying out Essie’s “Bikini So Teeny” and “Fiji.” Both colors look good with anything and make you look tanner!


Shop Til You Drop

I know that we’re all on college budgets and that school is expensive enough as is, but it’s always fun to shop around for some cute new spring clothes. Pitaya and Urban Outfitters are on-campus stores that always carry the latest trends for spring, whether it be polka dot jeans, neon crop tops, or patterned maxi skirts. Online shopping is also convenient and many stores have sales as the weather transitions into a new season. Soon your clothes won’t be hidden under your large winter jacket, so make sure you’re prepared to dress to impress for spring!


Go Out, Get Active

Being outside is brutal in the winter: the wind makes your body numb, you are forced to walk slow because of the ice and all you want to do is go to your room and never leave. But the snow is slowly melting and along with it are any excuses you have to not be outside. The sun offers our bodies the Vitamin D we’ve been deprived of all winter and there’s nothing wrong with spending a few extra minutes outside, whether it’s walking to class instead of taking the bus, running errand, or going to the gym (because we no longer can say we can’t because it’s too cold).


Winter has almost run it’s course (thank goodness) so follow my tips to prepare yourself for a sunny spring!