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4 Ways to Make Use of Your Student Refund Check

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mich chapter.

As winter semester begins and holiday break comes to an end, we pack our bags, leave home, and look forward to (or dread) the start of a new semester. If you’re like me, you’re jumping ahead, looking forward to Spring, thinking that alone will get you through the entire semester. I hate to break it to you, but that probably won’t get you through the first month back. So instead, may I recommend that you turn your thoughts to your student refund check?

Like some students, you’re probably already looking forward to getting your refund check. You’re already checking your bank account everyday to see if it has gone through (guilty). Instead of the usual impatient thoughts of how to spend the ridiculous amount of money you’re about to receive, I recommend that you pause and turn away from those thoughts, and instead save your refund for things other than those outfits you’ve been dying to buy.

A Car

What better way to spend one’s refund check than a car? Okay, there’s probably many other options, but why not get a head start on saving towards that dream car of yours? Or that second hand car…the one that is somewhat close to your dream car. Even if it’s only a few hundred dollars, put it in your savings, and overtime you’ll have enough money to feel confident towards buying your first adult purchase.

Spring Break Trip

While you’re thinking about it, why not save a bit of money for that spring break trip you’ve been planning for years? Even if it isn’t this years refund check, slowly start saving for that once in a lifetime college trip that everyone dreams about. Whether it be to Italy, Spain, Mexico, Florida, anywhere really! Take advantage of the time and money now before you fully become an adult after your college years.

That Once in a Lifetime Concert/Event

You may have that once in a lifetime event on your bucket list (if you’re like me, it’s Phantom of the Opera, which I highly recommend). What better way to get a headstart on your savings towards that once in a lifetime concert than use a few bucks (or hundreds) from your refund? Sure, you have books, supplies, and other options to spend your refund on, but from experience these things only come around once in awhile, and when they do you need to take advantage of it. So don’t feel guilty (maybe just a little) and buy that ticket! I guarantee you won’t regret it, and besides there’s always the next semester’s refund to save for something scholarly.

“Treat Yo Self”

Who doesn’t love a day spent entirely on treating oneself? Whether it be a mani/pedi, a shopping spree, haircut or coloring, the list goes on for miles. Admit it, we all deserve a “treat yo self” day. Especially after the first month of the semester. Make sure to put aside some of that cash to spend a day treating yourself with some shopping, waxing, coloring, whatever! Get out there and treat yourself, because you deserve it. Don’t even think about feeling guilty for it either because if we’re being honest here we all deserve these special days.

Images courtesy of Giphy.com


History of Art major with a double minor in Museum Studies and Native American Studies. Looking forward to my senior year at UM and staying involved in all of my organizations.