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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Boston chapter.

Before anything else, let’s all take a moment to celebrate the end of the semester! If my semester has been like anyone else’s, this break is much needed. After sleepless nights, early mornings, and hours of homework, I’m more than ready to have a break from academia, even if it’s only for a month. Though I’m still working on my last few finals, I can’t stop dreaming of everything I’m going to do with my break. So I’m going to share some of my ideas for Winter Break, for myself and for everyone else out there needing motivation to finish up their finals! Whether this was the best or worst semester of your academic career, whether you aced or failed your classes, this break is well deserved! 

Start New Year’s Resolution Early!

The weeks leading up to New Years is the best time to get a head start on New Year’s Resolutions, as it can make your goal seem a lot more achievable by the time we ring in the New Year.  My resolution for this year is to run a marathon, so last month when my friend asked me to run one with her in May 2024, I had to say yes! While I have been putting off training because of how busy my semester has been, not very reluctantly might I add, once finals are over I’ll have plenty of time to kickstart my marathon training! No matter how big or small your resolutions, starting is the most difficult part, so you might as well get it over with before the New Year even starts! 

Read for Fun!

I love reading, it has always been one of my biggest hobbies; however, as an English major, I have to read a lot for homework. When I’m assigned to read a hundred pages each weekend for four different classes, I’m less inclined to read for leisure’s sake. If I’m going to be reading, it might as well be for one of my many assigned readings. I’m sure many others can relate because often when the workload from school gets too heavy, we simply don’t have time to partake in hobbies. Therefore, this Winter Break I am going to read so much, without writing a discussion post or a paper on it. I am going to read the trashiest mystery novel I can find, maybe a Christmas-themed one. I highly recommend everyone tries to read something for pleasure’s sake this break, and just enjoy reading for what it is without having to analyze it.

Post Graduation Plans!

I know, I know, nobody wants to talk about it, trust me, I want to ignore it just as much as the next person, but time is moving fast and graduation is going to be here before we know it. For all Seniors, Winter Break is a perfect opportunity to get some plans in place for after you graduate. Whether you have to fill out FAFSA, apply for scholarships, internships, jobs, or grad-school, get letters or recommendations, or even figure out something with student loans. Right now is the time to get that done, before schedules get busy again.

Take a Winter Course!

Personally, I need a break from school; however, I have taken Winter courses in the past and really enjoyed them! Though UMass Boston does offer some in person Winter courses, most are online, so you can do your work wherever and whenever (my favorite part of online classes!). This is the perfect time to take that class you’ve always wanted, or needed, to but never had the room in your schedule for. It’ll also help you earn credits faster so you can maybe graduate earlier!


Besides running, reading, and applications for next year, I will be picking up as many hours at work as possible. While I know this defeats the purpose of a break, I work at a school, so I’ll get a week off at the end of December to focus on my other plans, but trust me, for those other three weeks I will definitely be at work. For those of you who don’t get any time off for the holidays, I recommend at least taking a few days off for yourself. Otherwise, this is a great time to make some extra money before the semester begins!

Whatever you do over break, make sure to make time for yourself and those you love! Happy holidays and see you guys next semester!

Emily Russell

U Mass Boston '24

Emily Russell is a 21 year old senior at Umass Boston studying English with a concentration in Race, Ethnicity, & Literature. Emily's works focuses on city life, college life, and wellness.