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The Social Symphony of Spotify Wrapped

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Boston chapter.

Spotify Wrapped has become an eagerly awaited annual tradition for music lovers around the world. Every December, Spotify users are treated to a personalized recap of their music listening habits for the past year. Through this data-driven reflection, users are not only able to view their top songs, artists, and genres, but also gain exclusive insights into their own musical tastes. It goes beyond a simple recap of personal listening habits and captures the overall musical spirit that binds the Spotify community. This is what makes Spotify Wrapped an exceptional experience for young adults in college.

Spotify Wrapped brings students together by sharing our music tastes and favorite artists. Through the sharing of Spotify Wrapped screenshots and anecdotes, individuals are able to connect with one another over their shared love for music and discover new songs and artists from their peers. In addition, Spotify Wrapped serves as a tool for self-expression and identity formation. College is a time of exploration and self-discovery, and music plays a crucial role in shaping our identities during this stage of life. We convey our personality and connect with those who share similar likes through our music selections. 

Spotify Wrapped is a platform for friends to share their unique musical journeys and connect with others who share their interests. Furthermore, Spotify Wrapped looks beyond individual experiences to the bigger cultural moments and trends that characterize a given year. For instance, the data collected during the pandemic showed that many people discovered new songs during this challenging time. As mentioned in “The Extended Self: Youth’s Identity in the Music Consumption of Indonesian Spotify Users” by Khairunnisa Rahmasar and Mashita Phitaloka Fandia Purwaningtyas, personalized playlists offered by Spotify allow young people to easily discover new music according to their preferences.

This not only highlights listeners’ perseverance and adaptation, but also the capacity of music to bring solace and escape during stressful times. Spotify Wrapped evolved into a platform for individuals to reflect on their own progress and experiences over the last year via the prism of music. It helps individuals to reflect on certain songs or playlists that helped them get through difficult times or celebrated happy occasions. This one day in the beginning of December doesn’t seem all that special when you see people posting their Wrapped playlists or when you compare your top artists to your friend’s, but when you look deeper into what this day is about, it no longer looks like another ordinary day.

When friends and family share their Spotify Wrapped findings, it sparks conversations and friendships based on similar musical tastes. It allows individuals to connect over shared songs, artists, and genres, as well as find new music suggestions from their peers. This sense of belonging goes beyond the college campus to a larger network of Spotify users. Furthermore, Spotify Wrapped instills a sense of anticipation and excitement.

While Thanksgiving recently brought us together in gratitude, and the holidays are rapidly approaching with its festive celebrations, Spotify Wrapped stands out as a day of shared musical experiences. It’s comparable to a non-traditional holiday — a chance to swap playlists, a reminder of our favorite songs, and to connect via the uniqueness our music conveys. It’s a kind of celebration of individuality, with each Wrapped playlist offering a different soundtrack to someone’s life. I am a strong believer in recognizing the little things because one day we’ll look back and realize that they were really big things.

Hailey is a second-year student at UMass Boston currently studying English. She is a new editor of Her Campus, eager to apply her skills and expand her writing techniques. Outside of the classroom, Hailey is an avid reader and an aspiring writer. She also loves to go to the gym, listen to music and podcasts, and spending time with her family. She just recently moved to the Boston area and is excited for the many opportunities that the city has to offer!