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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Boston chapter.

Being a college student means your education is essential, as is your experience and time spent at your university. As a commuter student, going home right after classes can be easy. However, it is challenging to make friends during lectures when you have to listen to your professor. College is expensive, so you should take advantage of your campus’s benefits.

Why you should get involved oN campus.

– Joining clubs is a great way to meet new people with similar interests as you. It can also help make conversations flow easier if there is a common interest.

– Having a community you can be a part of will give you a sense of belonging on campus and make your time there more enjoyable.

-It enhances your social and networking skills. It’ll look terrific on your resume, demonstrating that you can be a team member, have experience in leadership roles, and have reliable time management. 

How to be involved.

1. Research clubs on campus

-See what clubs are available by looking at your college website, or visit your campus organization office.

-Try to find clubs that interest you. Whether it is a book review club or sports event organizing, there will be something for you.

-Find clubs that work with your class schedule. If you have a free day or period, try to join a club during that time.

-It will help to join a club that is low maintenance. Some clubs only require once-a-month meetings or only two event attendings per semester.

2. Attend campus events.

-Check your college emails for weekly campus newsletters detailing event dates and times. 

-If you cannot commit to being a club member, there is no need to worry, as most club events are welcome to all interested students.

-These events can entail movie nights, game nights, arts and crafts activities, seminars with guest speakers, sports competitions, and musical performances. 

3. Work on campus.

– If you received a work-study through FAFSA, try to look for jobs on campus.

– Campus jobs will be convenient and accommodating to your class schedule.

– Reach out to different departments that are looking for assistance.

– Go to your campus student employment office for job listings.

Bianca Fanfan

U Mass Boston '24

Bianca Fanfan is a junior at the University of Massachusetts Boston. She is a member of Her Campus at the Umass Boston chapter. She is an English Major with a Concentration in Creative Writing, and a Minor in Cinema Studies. She is also a member of the mentoring organization, My Sister's Keeper at Umass Boston. She enjoys being a part of communities that strengthen her leadership and writing skills. She has experience working with children at camp centers and the elderly in nursing homes. She believes that everyone deserves to have their own stories told no matter their age. As an English major, she really enjoy writing poetry and short stories. In her free time, she loves listening to music, and watching, (more like analyzing) movies. Discussing anything anime related with friends, and reading mystery thrillers. As well as attending her many family orientated events.