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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Boston chapter.

HBO Max just released the trailer for the documentary on Alabama Rush and the process of trying to get recruited to join the sororities that will make or break your college experience. To some people, this may just be another documentary on the trials and tribulations of college, but for the ones who have followed Bama Rush on TikTok since 2021, this documentary is major.

What is Bama Rush?:

Alabama Rush is a week long process that consists of undergraduate girls basically going through tryouts to try and get recruited for one of the sororities at the university as well as the members within said sororities. Within multiple TikToks, it’s been expressed that the social life and hierarchy at the University of Alabama is heavily dependent upon which sorority you’re in and who you’re acquainted with. Towards the end of Rush Week, events become invite only and girls begin to get dropped. By the end of the week, the ones who made it to the end are invited to bid day which is when they find out which sorority they’re welcomed into.

Why is this so popular now?:

In 2021, girls began documenting rush week on TikTok. These daily videos consisted of outfits, “what’s in my rush bag?” and daily recaps. While this may seem like a typical vlog, these videos blew up and some girls became “favorites” on TikTok, as a lot of people followed them and their journey through rush week as well as them post-bid day. Once August 2022 hit, everyone was anticipating “season two” of Bama Rush, and this season was more popular than the last.

The Documentary:

Rumors of a documentary about the process of Alabama Rush and being a member of one of the famed sororities began surfacing in the beginning of 2022, and last week the trailer was finally released. While there has been documentation about rush week, the actual process in terms of meetings, drama, and the intake process has been very secretive. The documentary has been rumored to touch upon these topics and may even cover the rumored Secret Sorority Society called “The Machine.” The trailer has caused absolute mayhem on TikTok, from girls posting statements saying they were recorded under false pretenses, to some former sorority alumni who are exposing their experiences within rush week. It makes us wonder how much of it is true and what will happen to Greek life as we know it when the documentary is posted?

Kaidyn Perkins

U Mass Boston '26

Psych Major @UMB!!! I love the arts and doing activities that allow me to enjoy them! Fun Fact: I’m a nail tech :)