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Why You Need to Re-watch Gilmore Girls on Netflix

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

If you’re looking for an excuse to procrastinate on some work or looking for a good TV show on Netflix to start binge-watching, your prayers have been answered. Gilmore Girls (as of October 2014) is now on Netflix! Here are a few reasons why we loved Gilmore Girls the first time around, and why we’ll be spending one too many late nights catching up on the show:

1. Rory and Lorelai have the most adorable mother-daughter relationship.

2. Stars Hollow, CT had the perfect cast of loveable, yet wacky characters. Yes, I’m talking to you, Miss Patty. 

 3. Emily Gilmore’s never-ending wheel of disposable maids.

4. At first, you liked Dean, Rory’s high school boyfriend…

5. Then you loved Jess, the bad-boy

6. And you loved to hate Logan, Rory’s boyfriend at Yale.

7. But of course, your favorite couple was these two

Welcome back to Stars Hollow, Collegiettes, and let the binging commence! 

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Chloë Morse

U Mass Amherst

I'm a double major in Social Thought & Political Economy and Italian. I enjoy food, dance, social justice, art, foreign languages, music, and much more.
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