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Vote, Vote, Vote! November 8 is Approaching Fast!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

It is almost that time of year again, election day. Now I know that politics are not exactly fun and November 8 may not be something everyone looks forward to, but it is extremely important. Voter turnout for midterm elections, for the past few years, has been less than the voter turnout for presidential elections and it is important to treat midterms with just as much significance.

Being part of a generation that has witnessed division caused by politics and history being made during multiple presidential elections, we know how important it is to make sure our voices are heard. There are many issues that most people have strong opinions on, including the climate crisis, racial injustice, Roe v. Wade being overturned, LGBTQ+ rights, and much much more. Student loans are another topic that elected officials can speak up about, which is a primary thought in most college students’ minds. Elected officials who we feel confident will speak up and take action on behalf of our beliefs is extremely important. 

During the midterm elections, we elect officials to represent our state in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Now, before voting, it is crucial to do research beforehand in order to learn what different candidates value and stand for. Voting for someone whose beliefs align with yours can have a big impact and you may be thinking, “how can my vote make a difference?” But more votes in a community show more representation and can truly make a difference. To find information, you can go to your state government’s website and search “2022 Election” or look online for who is running in your state.

Once you have done your research, it’s time to get ready to vote! If you are eligible, it is so important to make your voice heard and make sure you are registered. There are so many different websites where you can register to vote online today, one being vote.gov. After registering to vote, it is important to figure out how you will be voting. If you are an out-of-state student like me, you will need to apply for an absentee ballot, which you can do by going again to your state government website and searching for “absentee ballot” or “mail-in ballot.” You will need to fill out a form and submit it in order to receive a mail-in ballot. If you are able to get back to your hometown on November 8, it is important to find out what location you will be voting at. 

Also, during these midterm elections, most communities hold local elections. This could mean electing school committee officials or other officials that represent the community at a more local level versus a federal level. Local elections play such a big role in your and your community’s lives, it affects the way you live your day-to-day life and the quality of your town or state. 

Election day is an extremely important time to take action and stand up for something you believe in. If you happen to miss this election day, there will be more, and now you can be prepared beforehand and it seems like an easier process. Remember to do your research, register, and vote on November 8!

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Riley Sheridan

U Mass Amherst '26

Riley is a freshman at UMass Amherst and is majoring in Education. She loves reading, listening to music(especially Taylor Swift), the ocean, and spending time with friends and family!