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Top 10 Reasons to Join a Sorority

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Fall semester came way too quickly. Back to waking up early, long hours spent in the library, and those dreaded homework assignments that just seem to never disappear! It is always exciting to look forward to the new school year, meeting new friends, making new memories, and now you can add sorority rush to your list! If you are a freshman entering college, or a returning sophomore, rushing a sorority is a perfect way to meet friends, even if they end up joining a different sorority than you. Many people might overlook why joining a sorority can be beneficial to your college career and can even be beneficial long after you graduate! Here are ten reasons why you will not regret rushing and joining a sorority…

1. Meeting New People: Like I said, rushing a sorority is the easiest way to start a friendship with someone who shares your common interests. As a freshman, you might be going to school out of state and not know anyone at your school, or just interested in branching out from high school friends you came to college with. Sorority rush brings together freshman and sophomores from all over campus that you might not have had the chance to meet. Even if you decide sorority life just isn’t for you, you can still make new friendships with these girls that can last you all of college and even afterwards!

2. You Will Always Have Something To Do: Among the many reasons why sororities are so great is the fact you will always have something fun to keep you busy. Social events are held with other fraternities, as well as some sport teams, so you can socialize with people from campus and never have to worry what you’re going to do during the week or on weekends – it’s already planned! Each sorority holds their own fundraising event throughout the school year to raise money for their personal philanthropy, so you can have fun while raising money for those in need. The best part, no matter what time it is, there is always someone in the sorority you can hang out with, which can be harder to do if you’re living in the dorms.

3. The House: It’s a no-brainer that living in a beautiful, huge sorority house is way better than living in a small dorm room (more like jail cell). You have your own living room, kitchen, bedroom, and can walk around the house at any hour without worrying about running into your RA and getting written up. The best part is, no matter what roommate you have, you will know them and already be friends with them. Another great reason, you have over 40 closets in the house to borrow clothes from your sisters. You can decorate your room any way you want and hang items on the walls, which you can’t do in dorm rooms. After graduating from college, you want to be able to come back and visit one day. Now imagine coming back as an alumni and walking into the house you spent your college years in, filled with memories, that hasn’t changed. Now compare that to trying to remember what dorm room you had throughout your college years, big difference.

4. Connections: This may not seem important to you now, but sororities are national organizations and a great way to establish connections with thousands of women throughout the country. When you are applying for internships or jobs, your sorority might create a connection for you, without you even knowing it! Your interviewer might have been in a sorority or might have known someone in a sorority, which could help you make a personal connection during the interview. Your sorority will look excellent on your resume and show you were actively involved with other students on campus, as well as becoming involved with community service and philanthropy during your four years at school.

5. Sister, Sister: Every girl has her group of besties. Now imagine having 70 or more best friends that you can also call your sisters! No matter what, these girls will always have your back and will always be there for you. This isn’t just a friendship, but a bond you and your sisters will always have even after you graduate college. What could be better?!

6. Community Service/ Philanthropy: Greek life gets students involved with community service and philanthropy you might not have known about as a regular student. It is much harder to get a group of students together to participate in community service, compared to doing community service events with your sisters.

7. Sorority T-Shirts: As girls, we all know you can never have too many t-shirts. No worries if you’re in a sorority! You get t-shirts practically for every event your sorority puts together. They make perfect gym shirts too!

8. Higher GPA: Students in Greek Life have some of the highest GPA’s on campus! You can take classes with your sisters, but more importantly you can have study partners and project partners that are in the same house as you. If you aren’t so great in one subject, there is sure to be a sister in the house that can help you.

9. Shrinking Your School: College can be overwhelming for some students. Joining a sorority helps make a large university seem like it is much smaller. You get to meet women in all the sororities, as well as the men in fraternities on campus. Not only will you know the women in Greek Life, but you can also meet their friends that aren’t involved in a sorority, that’s a lot of people!

10. Achievement: Sororities give you a sense of personal achievement. You will have academic achievement, develop attuned social skills, learn to interact with all different types of people, strengthen your resume, and maximize your potential as a student and young women in a university setting. Being in a sorority is similar to taking a rock and polishing it into a diamond. You will only see yourself achieve greater possibilities with the help from your sisters and what you gain from joining a sorority.

Need I say more? Find out about your school’s recruitment week now!

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Elana Jacobson

U Mass Amherst