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Taking Care of Myself When I Really Miss Home: How I Manage Homesickness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

When I was applying for colleges, I knew it would be in my best interest to try attending a school somewhere outside of my hometown. I wanted to learn about myself from a different perspective and learn about the world outside of my hometown.

I have always loved New England and, as such, UMass became my new home. I am very happy with the time I spend here and the friends I have made. Despite this, even after being in college for several years, I still have moments when I really wish I could go home and see my family. Sadly, because it is an eight-hour drive, going home for a weekend or so is not really a possibility. 

UMass Amherst
Original photo by Anumeha Rajvanshi

To manage my homesickness, I try to appreciate what UMass offers me and try to remember that I only have a limited amount of time at UMass. Once I graduate, I will never be able to re-experience my undergraduate career again. I recognize that I am extremely lucky to be able to experience college (and to do so out of state), so I must take advantage of the time I have remaining on this campus. 

At school, I also spend a great deal of time with my friends and roommates who have become like another family. Several of my friends are also out-of-state students and are familiar with not being able to visit home very often. We are able to commiserate and help each other when one of us is especially missing home. I also know that when I am at home, I miss my friends a great deal. If I were to allocate all of my attention and energy wanting to be at home, I would be missing out on all of the memories and experiences that I am partaking in right now. Rather, while allowing myself to occasionally miss home, I must focus on the time I am spending here.

In addition to appreciating the time I have left at school, I do recognize that I miss home. I call my mom often and talk about what I have missed since the last time we spoke. Each time I visit home, I spend as much time with my family and friends as I possibly can. I visit the places that bring me joy and that are special aspects of my hometown. I remind myself that I will have future opportunities to come back and that when I am at school, I am not saying goodbye to my home forever. 

Homesickness is something that a lot of college students experience, but it is not a permanent state of mind. It is a reminder that we have people and places that we originate from that miss us. But, by being at school or working in a new location, we are experiencing something new and learning more about ourselves. As such, it is important to recognize that homesickness can be a good thing: a reminder that we are loved and have loved. 

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Lucie Daignault

U Mass Amherst '23

Lucie is a fifth-semester member at HerCampus and a senior psychology major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Outside of HerCampus, Lucie is the vice president of the criminology club, a small group leader with CHAARG, and a volunteer with MASSPIRG. She loves writing and is excited to share her ideas and learn from her peers!