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Secret Admirers: The Good and Bad in College Crush Pages

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

I’m sure we all have that one crush in one of our classes that keeps us motivated to go class. You’ve found their looks can be quite the distraction, and you just have this growing passion for them – but how could you ever tell them? Unless you have the guts to go up to them and express yourself, your crush could go on living without ever knowing. But have no fear! You can express yourself anonymously (or not) on a crush page.

Many college campuses have crush pages on Twitter and or Facebook where people can share little blurbs about their crush.

So your crush happened to wear a really nice purple sweater today and since you might not have the courage to tell them, you can let them know on a crush page. Although they won’t know who you are, it’s sort of therapeutic to put your bottled up passions out there.

Crush pages can also be very flattering and make someone’s day. Whether it’s directed towards you or someone else, it definitely feels good to know that there’s someone out there that thinks you’re wicked cute.

As fun as a crush page may seem, some of them don’t have filters. No filter means that people can say some pretty wild things that can embarrassing for the person it’s about.

Considering that submissions are anonymous also means that ANYONE can be mentioned on a crush page without their permission. And sometimes people don’t even know they’re being featured.

One thing to keep in mind if you do decide to submit something about your crush: be mindful of how they might feel. It’s better to say something that will make them smile or laugh rather than feel embarrassed about. And put yourself in their shoes and think of how you would feel before submitting a crazy, raunchy post.

Crush pages are a fun outlet to release your hidden feelings, and you never know who could be secretly admiring you!

If you have something you want to say to your crush, check out the UMass crush pages on Twitter @UMassCrushes or on Facebook at UMass Flirts.

Sophmore Journalism major at UMass Amherst. Member of the Not Ready For Bed Time Players theater troupe. I love eating, watching movies, and having fun.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst