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Roommate Etiquette: Having a Hook-up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

When you live in an 11×17 box with someone, it can be hard to keep even your most intimidate dealings private. This lack of privacy is heightened even more when you throw another person into the mix. Bringing a boy home with you can be tricky when you have a roommate to take into account as well. Here are some helpful hints to keep in mind to make a sticky situation a little less sticky (no pun intended).

Set Boundaries Early

Whether you’re living with your best friend or a complete rando, it’s important to know how your roommate feels. Just talk about it. In most cases you’ll find that the other person is completely reasonable when it comes to bringing another person in the room, as long as you give them fair warning. I know it seems like an awkward conversation to have, but think about how much more awkward that conversation would be when you’re carting a guy in behind you at two in the morning.

Make a System

If you think you’ll be bringing a guy home with you unexpectedly one night, have a system already in place where you can inform your roommate beforehand. If you want to make it a little more entertaining, use a code word or something fun. Just make sure that you give them fair warning before it happens.

Be Mindful of Conflicting Schedules

If you know your roommate has a big test the next day or work really late one night, don’t decide to make their life even harder by having someone over the whole night. If you’re mindful of their schedule, it will give them more of an incentive to be mindful of yours.

Don’t Make Him a Third Roommate

Whether it is a long-term boyfriend or a recurring hook-up, a double is a tight enough squeeze for two people; don’t make him the third roommate! Make sure he is not living in the room with you and always be wary of him spending too much time. And if he is going to be there all the time, make an effort to ensure your roommate and his relationship is more than just uncomfortable glances.

Be Flexible to Unexpected Circumstances

Nothing kills the mood more than having nowhere to go, but if your roommate is sick in bed with the flu or had too rough of a night, it’s probably not a good idea to be bringing someone home with you.

The most important thing to keep in mind is always be respectful. A hook-up may be fun for a night, but it’s not worth a semester of tension if you go about it the wrong way.

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Heather Guo

U Mass Amherst

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Alexa Harrison

U Mass Amherst

Alexa Harrison is the President and Editor in Chief of Her Campus UMass Amherst as well as a Management Intern at the Her Campus Media headquarters. She is a Senior English major and IT minor with a specialization in Nonfiction Writing. In her free time, Alexa enjoys going to museums; drinking iced green tea; and playing around with Adobe Creative Suite.