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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Our generation are the ones going to protests and leading the fight against global warming. A lot of us care about the environment, but still, climate change can be confusing. I understand that climate change is real and that we need to do something to stop it. But I’ve never really understood why we haven’t made enough progress on climate change. It seems like we should be able to stop the damage by putting up more solar panels and switching to electric cars. Why aren’t we making enough progress on saving the environment?

pile of books
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
Recently, I read How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates, and finally had my questions about climate change answered. In the book, Gates discusses the challenges we face in overcoming climate change and the steps we need to take. Climate change is a truly global problem because people living in poverty will be the most impacted by climate change, and we need to make sure that everyone gets the support they need.

In all honesty, I was a little nervous about reading this book because Bill Gates is a billionaire tech genius, and I’m a college student who doesn’t know nearly enough about climate change. However, the book was written in a very clear and easy to understand way. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster is centered around one clear goal: getting to net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Most of the book also talks about the five main ways we release carbon: how we plug in, how we make things, how we grow things, how we get around, and how we keep cool and stay warm. It was interesting to learn about the cool technology that could help with these areas, like biofuels and lab-grown meats.  

there is no planet b
Photo by Li-An Lim from Unsplash
My favorite thing about this book was that it wasn’t a pessimistic account of how our planet will be destroyed unless we all start riding our bikes everywhere. Gates makes it clear that climate change is a major problem that needs big solutions. But he also has faith that with innovation, technological advancements, and global cooperation, we can solve this issue. After reading this book, I feel a lot less discouraged about climate change. I know that it’s a problem, but I understand what it’ll take to solve this issue.

If you’re thinking that the middle of a pandemic is the last time to be thinking about climate change, I hear you. The last year has been exhausting for everyone, and the idea of confronting another global crisis sounds difficult, to say the least. However, we can’t wait any longer to start thinking about climate change. If we want to avoid more damage, we need to start now. As Gates points out, experts knew that a pandemic was coming, but the world didn’t prepare properly. We need to learn from this lesson and properly prepare for climate change. Our future depends on it.

Allison Brookhart

U Mass Amherst '23

Ally Brookhart is a senior at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She is majoring in biochemistry and is interested how science interacts with society. Ally enjoys exploring new places, reading, working out, and playing volleyball.
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