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PICK OUR HAIR MAKEOVER WINNER (click here for more information on our contestants & voting!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Meet our Contestants Amanda (left) & Gina (right)

Amanda’s thin hair keeps her from achieving that va-va-voom look. Many hairdressers have told her that there’s nothing she can do, but Amanda has faith in The Chopping Block. She rocks fabulously dark hair, but wants to add volume for everyday glamorous locks.

Gina never knows how to style her naturally curly hair [not pictured]. Instead, she straightens leaving her locks dried out and coarse. Her summer-esque blonde highlights are growing out which cause noticeable roots. She wants to bring warmth and health to her tresses for a more seasonal and natural look. 

***TO VOTE: scroll down to our poll on the hercampus.com/umassamherst homepage and vote for Amanda or Gina. You have until Wednesday at midnight to vote! Results will be posted on THURSDAY.

Caroline Bagby is a senior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst majoring in Journalism and minoring in Spanish. She spent her summer interning at Kiss FM for Boston's #1 hit radio show and getting owned by the restaurant where she waited tables. She is now double interning for Her Campus and for ABC40 in Springfield, MA where she is working as a broadcast news intern. Caroline hopes to one day make a name for herself in the production industry. She enjoys spending the money she doesn't have, bubbletinis, watching movies, writing, and surrounding herself with friends and family.