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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Dear the past,

How’s it going? You look fabulous.

I think about you from time to time, and I miss you often. Life seemed so much simpler back then with you; I was so much more carefree. You taught me many lessons, and I am who I am today because of you. Though it pains me to see you go, I must continue on.

You see, life doesn’t stop for anybody. Though I sometimes wish I could play back time and relive my favorite memories with you, I have keep in mind that life is trudging on, eager to continue. Even though you were a blast, those days are over, gone, finito. Life is happening right now, in this very moment.

I cannot live my entire life in the memories of you.

I must make new memories, learn new lessons, and continue to grow. I have many plans for myself and my future. How can I achieve any of these things if I’m so wrapped up in you?

So this is my farewell to you, past. Although I’ll always love and appreciate you, it’s time for me to say goodbye. I’ll be sure to check back in on you from time to time.

With love,


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Rachel Annese

U Mass Amherst

A junior at UMass Amherst who enjoys all things Beyonce, singing in the shower, and spending endless nights watching The Office.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst