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New Artist Alert: Lana Del Rey

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

The name Lana Del Rey will be sure to be on everyone’s lips within the next year. She is a New York Native who currently resides in London. Her striking look and powerful voice melds together, creating a soulful songstress comparable to Joss Stone. Inspired from the 60’s, her music has a deep, sensual, vintage feel to it.

She’s become a You Tube sensation with her song ‘Video Games,’ which currently has over a million and a half hits since its upload in August. ‘Video Games’ is a heart breaking song about loving someone who’d rather play video games than be with their significant other.  She confesses her love through tragically beautiful lyrics that are strangely catchy. She is honest and relatable, with her lyrics of heartbreak providing solace to anyone who’s experienced a break up.

Lana Del Rey’s double-sided single, featuring ‘Video Games’ and ‘Blue Jeans’ is available digitally October 16. Pick it up and be the first of your friends to discover this new poppy delight.

Check out Video Games!


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Deirdre Cusack

U Mass Amherst

I am a senior Communication and English major at the University of Massachusetts. I love music, food, dancing, my friends and family not in that particular order but preferably at the same time. I am an avid reader and have always had a passion for writing. I have an incurable addiction to iced coffee, popcorn, Boston sports and anything that sparkles. I hope to one day live in New York City and pursue a career at Cosmo.