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My Campus Survival Guide: Hangover remedies & prevention

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.
Weekend mornings (not to mention Fridays and possibly Wednesdays) we all tend to wake up with a head aching, stomach churning, and room spinning feeling that could ruin an entire day. Chances are, as horrible as the feeling could be, it won’t stop us from living up every weekend here at UMass. Here are your top hang over remedies and prevention tips to help you get through those painful days.


1.Drink fruit juice or water
The old myth that says coffee will make you feel refreshed after a night of drinking may actually be making your hangover worse.  Coffee is loaded with caffeine, which is very dehydrating. The last thing that will help your body recover from a night of drinking harsh liquor is dehydration. The real remedy is to drink a lot of water and fruit juice. While water is the best think to quench your thirst and cure that awful feeling of cottonmouth, fruit juices have many beneficial vitamins.

  • Orange juice has vitamin C making it a great antioxidant
    . This will help prevent the toxins in alcohol from making you feel sick, as well as fight off sickness due to a weak body.
  • Tomato juice has fructose, which helps your body digest the alcohol faster. This is key because the faster the alcohol is out of your body, the faster you will feel back to your normal self again. Tomato juice is also great for the morning after because it is soothing to your stomach. This is perfect for getting rid of the nausea.
  • Sports Drinks restore lost minerals better than any other drink. This is so important after a night of drinking because alcohol makes your blood sugar drop a lot which can be dangerous, and make you hypoglycemic. After a sports drink, not only will your blood sugar levels start to stabilize, you will also be more hydrated which will end the hang over feeling. *Try Pedialyte as a Gatorade/Powerade alternative – it comes in liquid or popsicle form!

2. Take an Aspirin

Aspirin is one of the oldest tricks in the book, but we never stop and think why it is so powerful. Aspirins are known to reduce swelling in tissue everywhere in your body. When we drink, our tissue swells from the alcohol leaving us with a headache and body ache caused by the pressure of the dense tissue. Once the aspirin is dissolved in our body, the tissue becomes less dense releasing pressure.  Make sure you don’t take too much Aspirin however, because Aspirin is very harsh on the stomach which can make the stomach pain and nausea worse.

3. Exercise

Although exercise is the last thing any of us want to do when hungover, it is extremely beneficial. Once you get past the idea and just start running, your body will start to energize making you feel better than ever. Exercising also gets the body working at full speed sending blood and oxygen to the brain, which was slowed down by the alcohol. Make sure you have your sports drink or water with you however, because working out dehydrated is the worst idea. As you sweat away the toxins from the alcohol, you will start to feel stronger. For most, after a workout comes a shower, which is also a hangover remedy.  The shower will wake your body up making you feel completely refreshed.

Prevention Tips

1. Drink a lot of water throughout the day
The main cause for a hangover is dehydration. Drinking a lot of water and sports drinks during the day best prevents dehydration. If you drink a few bottles during the day before drinking, your body has a lesser chance of getting to the point of dehydration that causes the body to weaken. The sports drinks will also make your body rich in vitamins, which can start weaning out the toxins quickly. If you get bad hangovers often, also try drinking the sports drinks with water after a night of drinking before you go to sleep. This will make the chances of you waking up with a hangover less likely.

2. Eat Peanut Butter and Almonds

According to an important African remedy, eating peanut butter before you drink can make the side effects of a hangover weaken. The Native Americans however have their own trick. They eat 6 almonds before they go out for their night of fun. You will be pleasantly surprised when the side effects of a hangover never occur due to the natural oils in these nuts.

3. Get plenty of sleep the night before you go out partying
Lack of sleep causes the body to shut down. If you drink while your body is weak, you are asking for a horrible hangover. When the body is weak, it will take much more time for the body to metabolize the toxins in alcohol. The vitamins that you get from your sports drink will also take much longer to activate due to a slow down in blood flow. On top of all of that, lack of sleep also results in swelling of tissue causing pressure, which means that the mixture of alcohol and sleep deprivation will leave you with double the amount of pressure in your head and body.

Hangovers have the power to ruin a weekend of fun. Now you have the tips to prevent from waking up with pain that makes you want to crawl under a rock. Smart preparation and maintenance will leave you ready to brave the next day, while getting ready for the next night of drinking.


Caroline Bagby is a senior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst majoring in Journalism and minoring in Spanish. She spent her summer interning at Kiss FM for Boston's #1 hit radio show and getting owned by the restaurant where she waited tables. She is now double interning for Her Campus and for ABC40 in Springfield, MA where she is working as a broadcast news intern. Caroline hopes to one day make a name for herself in the production industry. She enjoys spending the money she doesn't have, bubbletinis, watching movies, writing, and surrounding herself with friends and family.