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Live to Sweat, Love to Sweat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

All right, ladies, we are half way between New Year’s and spring break. Yeah, I said it… SPRING BREAK.
 Some of the dedicated few are still working on those fitness related resolutions (keep up the good work!), others have ditched they resolutions and are focusing in on spring break looming in the future.
If you are looking to get toned for a tropical spring break trip, I want to guide you on your way with a 30-day plan. But before I get there, I want us all on the same page. This is not an easy, express weight-loss plan. This is about toning up, slimming down and creating healthy habits that you can stick with… well… for the rest of your life. Up for the challenge?
1. Back to exercise basics
Remember that results don’t happen over night. Wherever you are in terms of fitness, start fresh and create a workout routine that you can stick to. Take a look at your schedule (now that add/drop is over and we are settled into classes), and pencil in specific times to exercise. Allow time to do cardio 5 days/week and strength training 2-3 days/week. At least 5 days at the gym is the goal, while it might not be realistic for all. 
Cardio: Switch it up each day–cardio does not have to be boring. Run, walk, hike or try a Group Fitness class. Aim for 30-60 minutes of cardio 5 days/week and STICK TO IT. Work it into your schedule so that nothing “comes up.”

Strength Training:
The same goes for strength workouts… pencil them in! Don’t know what to do with those hand weights? Don’t understand what muscles those goddamn machines even work?  Stay tuned for some of my favorite dynamic strength moves in future articles. For this week, focus on doing upper body one day, lower body another, and abs if you can fit in a third day.
You will not look like this at the gym.

After a couple weeks of a consistent routine, you will look like a pro as you strut through the Rec Center.
2. Eat clean


Flat tummies are made in the kitchen
. First, get rid of all the processed foods and unnecessary sweets in your home so they are not there for temptation. Next, change your ways and start counting calories and measuring servings. Don’t become obsessive about this, but become aware of how much you are consuming vs. how much you really need to consume.
Calculate your caloric needs with this great tool from
Once you get a handle on your hunger and needs vs. wants, you will start seeing results… I PROMISE.
By spring break you are going to LOVE to sweat, you are going to LIVE to sweat. Strong is the new skinny.