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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Sometimes a night comes along that is a little quieter, a little darker, and a little lonelier, and it brings me to reflect on things that I dare not think about at any other time. During these nights, I tend to think about you. Not in the sense that I need you or even want you. No, sometimes I just think about you. What are you doing? How’s your life? Are you happy? Do you think about me on nights like this, too?

You came into my life like a blazing sun, heating up everything around me. In an instant, I was hooked. And just as quickly as you came into my life, you burned out of it. You vanished. You left. I guess I’m still stuck here trying to figure out why.

Was it me? Was it you? Wrong time? Or maybe we were on separate pages? Were we even in the same book?

I’ve analyzed every single moment we were together, desperate to learn the reason why. I’ve come up with about a thousand possibilities, but all they provide me with are “maybes.” I’ve never actually received the closure that I crave. I almost wish that something did occur, just so I could put the memory of you to rest.

But the memories will fade one day, I know it. I’ll forget about your warm smile, your infectious laugh, your good soul; maybe I’ll even forget about what I’m feeling right now. I only hope you reminisce in the way that I do.

But these nights eventually come to an end, as the darkness fades into a new day. And when the light shines in, I wake up and continue on with my life, almost unaltered, as if you are a secret I keep hidden, only to resurface when a night like this comes back around.

For me, you’ll always be the one that got away.

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Rachel Annese

U Mass Amherst

A junior at UMass Amherst who enjoys all things Beyonce, singing in the shower, and spending endless nights watching The Office.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst