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A Letter To All The Single Ladies: Put Your Hands Up

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

This article goes out to all the single ladies:

Let’s face it we are CRAZY, but if we are going to admit to this we should at least give some credit to the men. If it weren’t for their big egos and flirtatious personalities we would be 100% sane… probably… maybe.

Being single means two things: #1 We like to party; and #2 We like to over obsess about our exes.

When it comes to the single life there are high points and very low points.

For starters there is the constant feeling of loneliness that usually leads to jealousy and maybe some regrettable text messages. You always hear your parents telling you the importance of independence, and the famous “you don’t need a man to make you happy” speech but it’s a lot harder to believe those words when you’re the one that just got dumped.  Especially if you were in a long-term relationship.

Being single is definitely hard at first and it clouds our judgement, leading us the post breakup crazy stage women are infamous for. There are nights we find ourselves stalking his facebook and going somewhere you know he’s going to be. There are nights you go out for the sole purpose of making him jealous, but end up on the other end of the spectrum and come home crying to your girlfriends because you saw him with another girl.

It’s time to end this nonsense.

It’s time for us to be the heartbreakers.

Its time we realize that we don’t need a man to be happy

…and we definitely don’t need to obsess over a breakup.

Everything happens for a reason even when the reason doesn’t quite seem to make sense. Just remember to be optimistic and enjoy your time here before the four years have passed by and you’re walking into graduation. College is a time for fun, friends, and picture albums full of memories. Don’t let your biggest regret be that you never fully enjoyed the single life. You have your whole life to be in a relationship. Let your biggest regret be that the single life wasn’t long enough. 



Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst