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Lessons Every Collegiette Can Learn from Wes Anderson Movies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

There’s something wonderful about Wes Anderson movies. More accurately, there’s a long list of wonderful things about them. If, up until this moment of your life, you have suffered great misfortune and subsequently have never witnessed the work of Wes Anderson, let this be your introduction.

His style is unmistakable. His characters are simultaneously these strange oddballs that make you cringe and reflections of your own internal thoughts. The man is all of the interior designing dreams you will never be quirky enough to pull off. He brings the eye of an artist together with the ear of a musician and the mouth of a witty, moderately depressed comedian. Bizarre as they may be, we as Collegiettes can learn a lot from Anderson’s films. 

1. Monsieur Gustave from The Grand Budapest Hotel explains how to deal with a troll of a roommate. 

2. Mr. Fox from Fantastic Mr. Fox shows us how to respond when our parents call with a list of suggested lifestyle changes.

3. Steve Zissou from The Life Aquatic proves there are apparently some perks to being an unpaid intern. We are pleasantly surprised.

4. Mr. Fox reminds us we’re not alone in our thoughts about dorm life, and Mrs. Fox reminds us that money isn’t everything. Which is good, because we have none. 

5. Max Fischer from Rushmore demonstrates the proper way to approach a professor after failing an unreasonably tricky test.

6. Steve Zissou details the appropriate response when someone is disrespectful to a kind employee at the dining commons.

7. Mrs. Fox reminds us to treasure this rare opportunity to live with thousands of people our own age. 

8. Steve Zissou shows us how to apply scientific reasoning to conflicts outside of the classroom. Real world experience looks great on resumes. 

9. Sam from Moonrise Kingdom proves it pays to be straightforward and always check up on our friends.  

10. Royal from The Royal Tenebaums reminds us beer pong and frat parties aren’t everyone’s cup of tea.  

11. Jack Whitman from The Darjeeling Limited demonstrates the importance of tough love. 

12. Sam embraces the campus culture we strive to create, where gender roles aren’t holding anyone back. 

13. Max puts it all together with a summary of our college goals.

Let’s just hope Anderson’s next movie will specify how to achieve them!

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

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Carly Brand

U Mass Amherst

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