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It’s Too Early To Look Cute #UMASSGIRLPROBLEMS

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

It happens to the best of us: you pressed “snooze” one too many times on your alarm. Now you don’t have time to shower and only 20 minutes to get out of bed, and to your first class in time. I find that when this happens to me, I throw on the first sweatshirt I see, pray that combing my fingers through my knotted hair will be enough, and end up feeling like a slob for the rest of the day. These mornings are unavoidable, but here are a few quick ways to add a little something to your otherwise “blah” appearance when you’re pressed for time!
Dirty hair? Try a Braid!
If your hair is revealing that you had to skip the shower this morning, a casual braid is an easy solution. A side, braided ponytail is a quick, chic way to turn around any bad hair day. I am a firm believer that every girl looks great with a braid in her hair!

No time for makeup? Mascara, mascara, mascara.
When you’re pressed for time and there’s no way you can do your entire makeup/beauty routine, mascara is a girl’s best friend. If you don’t want to go au-natural all day, give your lashes a quick lift. Not only will it make you look less tired, it’ll instantly pop your eyes, giving you that boost to take on the day.

Add a scarf!
Fall and winter are really great seasons when it comes to fashion because scarves are acceptable to wear! Ladies, embrace the scarf while you can. Whether it be a circle scarf, knitted or pashmina, scarves are a great accessory and have helped spice up some of my outfits on more than one occasion. Remember, when in doubt (or in a rush) throw on a scarf; its effortless yet looks like you tried to put together a nice outfit that morning.

Baby powder, baby.
My roommate recently clued me into the hidden secret and wonders of baby powder.  If you wake up really late and your hair is even too dirty for a braid or ponytail, a little baby powder in it will instantly take the grease out. I know it sounds gross but I swear, when you don’t have the time to shower, this stuff is a godsend. It really does leave your hair looking much cleaner than the way you woke up.

Get rid of those dark under eye circles
Have you ever noticed how dark your under eyes look early in the morning? If I don’t add even the slightest bit of concealer, I’m stuck looking like a puffy raccoon all day long. To appear less tired and disheveled, try an anti-dark-circle roller (or any concealer) to reduce the appearance of bags. The old fashion method of putting cold spoons under your eyes always works too!

The last resort
When nothing seems to be working with my unruly hair on awful mornings like these, and I find myself getting fed up with every attempt, I always turn to the baseball cap. If boys can pull this look off everyday, so can I. Whether you’re representing your favorite baseball team or donning those one of those adorable polo caps, a hat is a very effective way of hiding your hair (or your face!) during your 8 AM on a Friday morning!

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Kim Giordano

U Mass Amherst

Kim Giordano is a senior majoring in Communication at The University of Massachusetts Amherst. Kim has been writing for UMass' widely known student run newspaper, The Daily Collegian, since her freshman year and was recently named Blog Editor. She is also involved with community service programs Best Buddies and Relay For Life, as well as a member of the National Society of Leadership. Hailing from her hometown of Montvale, New Jersey, Kim loves reading (preferably with a cup of coffee in hand), live music, and a good clothing sale. Kim would love to end up writing, but whatever she does, she'll be in New York while doing it.