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Incredibly Insulting but Totally Hilarious Remarks Joan Rivers Made About Herself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Joan Rivers’ most famous line was, “I succeeded for saying what everyone else was thinking”… that didn’t exclude the honest truth about herself. Although Joan Rivers was never afraid to dish the dirt about every celebrity under the sun, she certainly wasn’t afraid to dis herself either.

Here’s a few of her most famous lines:

“My body is my temple, my temple needs redecorating.”

“My face has been tucked in more times than a bed sheet at the Holiday Inn.

“My breasts are so low, now I can have a mammogram and a pedicure at the same time.”

 “I wish I had a twin, so I could know what I’d look like without plastic surgery.”

“I have flabby thighs, but fortunately my stomach covers them.”

“I now consider it a good day when I don’t step on my boobs.”

“I cannot move cause I have botox you know.”

You will truly be missed Joan Rivers and may your humor and legacy live on! 


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Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst