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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

What is the very first thing that you do in the morning? Check your phone? Me too. Screens consume our lives from the moment we wake up to the second we go to sleep. It’s the sad reality of the virtual, pandemic-ridden world we live in today. As soon as I realized this I wanted to make a change. I wanted to start my busy days with a clear mind and full heart. 

miley cyrus
Miley Cyrus / Giphy
Before looking at any social media platform in the morning, I go straight to my meditation app. The app Wake Up is an amazing, free resource that I highly recommend. I am able to tailor my meditation sessions to specific anxieties I feel. Each session is no longer than seven to eight minutes and is worth every second. Not only do I get out of bed feeling relaxed and refreshed, but I am able to ease my thoughts before having to move one hundred miles a minute working on school work, extracurricular activities, and chores around the apartment. 

Another incredible resource is the app Headspace. This platform emphasises the positive impacts morning stillness can have on us. “Starting your day with a morning meditation can gently release grogginess and help set the conditions for a more successful day.” (Headspace). The app includes a variety of ways to practice mindfulness in the mornings before engaging in the day’s activities.

The positive impacts from this practice are endless. My productivity levels are at an ultimate high and my attention to detail on my school assignments is precise. This has been especially helpful for me as I am sitting in the same chair in front of the same screen all day. Along with the positive impacts this has on my school work comes the positive effects it has on my mental well being. As an extremely anxious person, (because who isn’t) I have finally found a sense of peace amongst all of the chaos. We are living in a pandemic and we are expected to adapt to every obstacle thrown at us. This is NOT an easy concept to grasp for anyone right now and this is why being mindful is of the utmost importance.

When our minds are cluttered, it is impossible to think clearly. How can we when we have a million thoughts circling our brains at every moment? If we are able to focus on breathing and easing any anxieties that are constant, we can do anything. We are in charge of how we think. So the question is, how can we soften our scariest and deepest thoughts so they don’t seem so bad? It begins with clearing our minds and pushing ourselves to a place where we can think clearly with morning meditation.

Haley LaKind

U Mass Amherst '23

Haley LaKind is a junior Communication and Journalism double major on the Public Relations Track. She enjoys writing biweekly articles for Her Campus as well as running the chapter instagram page @hcumassamherst. Her hobbies include exercise, travel, journaling, and spending time with friends and family. At UMass she is also involved with UMass CHAARG and the Public Relations Club.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst