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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

The night started out young and fresh. Maddy and I arrived at our friends’ apartment to begin getting ready. I came dressed to impress, in a purple floral skirt, lacy black top, chunky black boots, and an oversized purple cardigan. We sat and chatted for a bit while Alizah attempted to buy a last-minute ticket. Unfortunately, the first time around, she got scammed. However, Kristen came through and was able to find a real, extra ticket. After it was guaranteed that we were all spending our night listening to that beautiful man sing, chaos broke out. We started doing our hair, getting dressed, and slapping makeup on our faces. It was a miracle that we even made it out that apartment door. 

We arrived at the venue, and of course, the parking was everywhere but nearby, so Fay and I jumped out to get in line. We stood in front of a Mexican restaurant, which obviously meant we were in need of some tacos. As Fay waited patiently in line, I took on my role as both hunter and gatherer. I ordered six chicken tacos and after a good 20 minutes, I was running back out the door to meet my friends in line. To my surprise, I opened my to-go box, and inside I found six chicken taquitos. Confused, but not complaining, my friends and I shoveled our food into our mouths before entering the club.

Once in the venue, we found Eve and Kristen and assumed our seats. A bathroom trip was a must, so we traveled upstairs into the small and crowded bathroom. After almost stumbling down the stairs in my chunky heels, we finally reached our seats again and were ready for Mr. Kahan to make his appearance. While there was an opener, I truthfully don’t remember his name. He played a good show, but I only had one thing on my mind: Noah.

Truth be told, I don’t remember much from the show except for it being one of the best nights of my life. I cried, I laughed, I smiled, and I loved. While I don’t think that this will be a surprise to anyone, Noah was quite literally more amazing live than recorded. His voice is just as authentic in person as it is over the radio, and his passion is far more evident. To be in a room listening to someone you love sing about things that you didn’t know anyone else felt is life-changing. To know that every person in that room could also relate, even just a little bit, was so inspiring and reassuring. While it did break my heart a little that he skipped “Godlight” and “Fear of Water,” I don’t think he could have chosen a better closing song than “Mess.”

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We left the venue with massive smiles and happy hearts. While there was a lingering sadness due to the fact that the concert was over, there is such beauty in having enjoyed something so much that you feel its absence long after it ends. I could not have imagined a better night, and I am so grateful to have experienced it with my best friends. Thank you Noah for your light.

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Danica Shores

U Mass Amherst '24

Danica Shores is from the small town of Sandwich, Massachusetts located on Cape Cod. She has grown up with a loving mother, 3 siblings, many cats, two turtles, and a bird. Her interests include yoga, self-care, poetry, and taking long walks. Currently, Danica is studying as a psychology major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her interests revolve around medical social work and providing therapeutic practices for young-adult women.