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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Welcome back to UMass, Colleigettes! The fall semester has started and that means it’s time to show your UMass spirit! What better way to do that than with your everyday style? 

1.) You can’t have great style without accessories! Try wearing a UMass Alex and Ani bracelet. No matter what your outfit is, this is bound to match and add a touch of school spirit!

2.) Sweatshirts and sweatpants from the UStore are always a good way to showcase your school, but they can be pretty pricey. Instead, head over to the clearance rack and buy a t-shirt that appeals to you, (it’s okay if it’s a little big) and turn it into a tank top like this. Oversized tanks are really flattering and super comfy.

3.) Or, try making a cute bag like this:

4.) UMass has a (wonderful) habit of giving away a ton of free swag. Take all of those t-shirts to the Craft Center in the Student Union and sew them together to make a really cute quilt!

5.) If you’re anything like me, college has taught you to rely on coffee every morning. Go to Jo-Ann Fabrics or Michaels to pick up a white mug and a couple sharpies. Check out this website to learn how to add a design on a coffee mug. Or, even better, buy a “design your owntravel mug and put all of your favorite UMass pictures, tickets or memories on there! 

There are hundreds of ways to be unique and spice up your style with a little school spirit. Pinterest and other social media sites are a great way to find new tutorials and things to try. Good luck and go UMass!     

Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst