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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Trinkets. They’re cute, unique, and carry a whole lot of personality and mystique. They can come from different corners of the world, in a variety of sizes, colors, and themes ⎯ you’re bound to find a trinket in any category that piques your interest. Take thrifting as an example. If repurposing vintage items is your thing, you’re sure to find an old knick-knack that could use some loving. Or if you’re more into sports and athletics, you might find a little something to take home from a sporting event or convention. 

But once you’ve got your hands around these little mementos, then what? Do they just lay around your room? Linger in a box, never to be seen again? How do you go about organizing and displaying them? How do you turn your goblin-like-possessive trait into a real hobby? Well, I’m here to tell you how it’s possible in just three simple steps. 

I think we’ve all considered committing to a trinket collection or any kind of collection at least once in our lives, whether as kids or as we are now. Could be with something like collecting rocks, Legos, or comic books ⎯ and maybe some of us managed to keep these collections going. But for those who didn’t and wish they stayed committed to their collections, I’m here to tell you it’s never too late. 

I was recently inspired to start my trinket collection through the friends I’ve made here at UMass. While visiting them in their dorms, I almost always immediately noticed their trinket collections on their desks, shelves or window sills ⎯ pieces of them they’ve built over the years and have brought with them to campus. I am always so fascinated by what they’ve managed to get, and it has become my ritual to ask them when and where they found it. This intrigue I felt for my friends is what pushed me to start a collection of my own. Not only is it an enriching activity that has allowed me to become more observant of the things around me, it’s given me a reason to be active and go outside, and has allowed me to express myself through niche, one of a kind objects, and has deepened my relationships with my friends as they get to learn more about me through these items. Trinkets are not junk. They’re often rare and original pieces of the world that you’ve found. They’re chosen to be a part of your life. They’re things we find special and cool, and make for great conversation when people go to visit you in your space.

If you’re feeling convinced to start your own collection, but aren’t sure where to begin, these next few steps will guide you in the right direction. It’s important to approach the process with an open mind — it might seem odd to follow a set of steps for something as straightforward as starting a collection. But the truth is, it’s not always as simple as it seems. It can feel overwhelming and frustrating if things don’t unfold as you hope, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The secret lies in strategy and patience.


The key to making the collection process less stressful and intimidating is by realizing that it doesn’t have to be! The pressure to fill a collection or meet a certain number of what you’re looking for is completely irrelevant and only burns you out. In fact, it’s the complete opposite of what collecting is all about! It’s important to understand that the process of trinket collecting cannot be rushed. It is your very own Rome. Collections aren’t built overnight, and not every hunt will end in a success — and that’s totally fine. That’s the best part! Patience and time are what truly define the art of collecting, and the excitement and adventure lies in not knowing what you’ll find every time you step outside.


You now understand the essence of trinket collecting. Now it’s time to collect! You want to start off by thinking about what it is you want to collect. Is there a specific object that draws your attention? Small objects, big objects? A theme or genre of something? An era in time maybe? The world is your oyster and you can be as creative as you want. Here are some examples of what your collections can be about — @hudsonstuffy on TikTok. I have a friend who has a trinket collection inspired by bananas. Bananas, anything. She’s got a banana poster, banana plushies, ceramic bananas, you name it. And she isn’t even obsessed with them, she just always comes by them, so she decided to start a collection! Next, you’ve got hudsonstuffy. I came across a video of him a couple months ago on my For You Page, where he was going through his “sauce binder” — a binder where he keeps every sauce packet he’s ever come across. Yes, that’s right. He has a sauce collection. 


Having decided what you want your collection to be about, it’s time to kick off your search. Start by going to places you think will have what you’re looking for. For example, if you were interested in starting a beach themed trinket collection, go to the beach and look for things like shells, rocks and sea glass. You could even take some sand and put it in a little jar. Going out and looking for the hot spots is a great way to get yourself active, and it also helps to train us in becoming more observant – in spotting what we’re looking for in everything and/or in not so obvious places. It teaches you to get creative with the resources you have. Next thing you know you’ll be looking for beachy elements wherever you go. In stickers, posters, jewelry, you name it. Snatch everything you can, because it all counts! Gaining this ability will not only help you in expanding your collection, but it can also guide your theme into becoming something more specific. Your beach inspired trinket collection could take on a mystical mermaid approach, a celestial moon and water route, or an aquatic sea life path.

By now, I hope you feel more confident about starting your own trinket collection — or any collection, for that matter. Collecting is a timeless hobby, one that grows and evolves with you over the years. Unlike many other hobbies, it’s not something that slips away with age or requires significant resources. It’s accessible, flexible, and personal. Most trinkets are inexpensive or even free, making this a hobby that fits nearly any budget. Beyond that, collecting is more than just hoarding items — it’s a creative outlet and a meaningful form of self-expression. Whether it’s the thrill of discovery, the joy of arranging your treasures, or the nostalgia they bring, the act of collecting offers a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Each piece you collect tells a story, reflects a moment, or speaks to something uniquely you.

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Paola Delmaschio

U Mass Amherst '26

Paola is a junior Latinx Communication and Film Studies major at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She's an aspiring author and screenwriter and enjoys creative writing, reading, being outdoors, and urban exploration.