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How To Make The Most Out of Your College Town

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

As college students, many of us are quite enthusiastic about the idea of moving into and living in a new area. This may be a new town, a large metropolitan city, a rural countryside, or just a whole new state, and for some of us, even a whole new country. Whatever it is and whether we’ve lived a similar life to it or not, we are still awakened by the endless possibilities that can come with starting fresh somewhere new.

It is no question that we are going to try and make the most out of our campus, the people that surround it, and everything that comes with it. Our friends are in reach, our classes are just walks away, meetings and events are located right in the heart of campus, and so much more.

But sometimes, with all that comes with your school and campus, you may sometimes feel like you’re missing out. And from personal experience, even when you attend a school with more than twenty thousand students doing the same thing you are, looking for the same opportunities that you are, you can still feel pretty lonely.

At times like that, I like to seek out and find activities where you’re seeing new people, new scenery, and experiencing different things. That is what your college town is there to do and that might just be one of the most refreshing feelings.

Go out for a coffee in the center of town. Do your homework at a local café. As a study break, catch up on some retail therapy. Stop by a bookstore and read things outside of what you’re studying in school. Grab a bite to eat at your favorite fast food place. Bring your friends out for a nice dinner to celebrate an occasion, or even better, go when you want to have a relaxing weekend night without all the problems that arise with trying to go out.

There will most certainly be times when you get tired or perhaps a little bored with the routine that comes with being a college student. And that’s completely okay. That is the time to explore places and activities around you that relieve you from that sort of stress.

Just bring out that inner desire of wanderlust and go experience. Act like a tourist. Don’t be afraid to keep an open mind. And that does not always involve just walking around town checking out the shops and restaurants there. You could go beyond that. Go hiking! Go for a walk. Find a pond or a lake or something that allows you to escape from that constant feeling of just doing the ordinary. And take pictures while you are at it!

Remember, everything around you and the people around you have so much to offer if you just go seek it out. This is especially important if you’re ever feeling lonely, insignificant, lost, or just simply bored. There is so much out there waiting for you.

Make sure to take advantage of it now, while you have time as a student at your school. Before you know it, these short years will be up, and you do not want to regret the things you didn’t do or the places that you didn’t see while you had the chance.

Photos: 12, 3

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Viola Bame

U Mass Amherst

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst