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How to Ease the Process of Transferring Schools

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Transferring schools can be a challenge. Although you have more experience than a freshman student, it is easy to feel lost here at UMass as it is such a BIG school. Use these 7 tips to ensure that you make the most out of all that UMass has to offer…

1. Use Facebook to Reach Out

Facebook is a great tool to use when you are first transferring schools. Not only can you creep on the potential future boyfriends that your new school has to offer (is that weird..?) but you can also join groups tailored for transfer students or students in your graduating class. Use these forums to connect with other students who are in the same boat as you. I assure you it will make the process less daunting.

2. Talk to Everyone and Anyone

Don’t roll your eyes at me, I am serious about this one. Talk to any person you come in contact with: in the elevator, waiting for food in the dining hall, whatever. The more conversations you have with people, the easier it will be to find and make friends. Sure, you may not become instant besties with the guy who held the door open for you that one time and you preceded to tell him your life story, but hey it’s worth a shot.

3. Go to Events Held By Your School

Yes I know, some of the events held on campus can be lame, I will be the first to admit that. However, some aren’t too bad I promise! The great thing about these events is that they make everyone feel slightly uncomfortable, so it’s a good way to bond with other students. If not, you are still putting yourself out there to meet people and to get a feel of the campus environment. Walk on over to that “Back to School Barbeque” and do your thing, girl.

4. Say “Yes” to Everything

You will be getting offers left and right from students on Facebook (I told you it was a good idea), in class, etc. to do all sorts of things. It will get to a point that you will begin to feel famous…well, not really. But, it is in your best interest to try out new things and meet some new faces. You never know what you can get out of it: hitting it off with someone, becoming close friends, finding a new hobby, or maybe even just having another familiar face around campus. Like your Mamma told you, you never know until you try.

5. Get Involved

This goes along with my last point, but it’s equally as important. Get involved! Go to the activities expo, learn about some new clubs, and try them out. Universities have clubs for any little thing that you could ever dream of. If they don’t, you can always start your own club (Chocolate Lovers Club, I’m looking at you). You can meet fellow students with similar interests and really thrive at something that you enjoy. Plus, college is probably the only place where all of these organizations are at your fingertips. Use this to your advantage, ladies.

Particularly at UMass we use a Web Site called Campus Pulse, think of it as the university’s Facebook for RSO’s (Registered Student Organizations). Log in with your NetID and password and create your profile and then start browsing all of the organizations UMass has to offer!

6. Familiarize Yourself with Campus

Knowing your way around campus is going to make you feel a lot more in your element at your new home. One of the best things that I ever did for myself was buying my school’s campus map app on my phone (they really do have an App for everything). A phone map is very discrete, so it seems like you know what you are doing. I didn’t have to whip out an obnoxious paper map, I mean who uses those anymore anyway? Rest assured my reputation is still intact. Also, learn about the nicknames and lingo specific to your school, because believe me, there are some things a campus map app cannot tell you, and I can’t help you with that.

7. Trust the Process

Transferring can be very overwhelming at times, and there will be moments where you may wonder if you made the right choice. Take a step back and breathe, ladies. You will not meet 10,000 people in one day (I’ve tried), so don’t stress out if you don’t remember more than 5 new names the first day. Be open to the experience and have a little patience. It will all begin to fall into place.

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Rachel Annese

U Mass Amherst

A junior at UMass Amherst who enjoys all things Beyonce, singing in the shower, and spending endless nights watching The Office.
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Julie Tran

U Mass Amherst

Julie Tran is a current senior majoring in Psychology at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and Campus Correspondent of the Her Campus UMass Amherst chapter. She is a Boston native and has lived in the town of Brighton for the majority of her life.Julie works part-time as an administrative assistant at the Student Legal Services Office on campus. She is also the Co-Founder and Vice-President of Ed2010 at UMass Amherst and a certified Rape Crisis Counselor. Julie doesn't have any solid plans for the future yet but wants to pursue a career in marketing. Her life goal is to travel the world, live in New York City at some point, and have her own business.