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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

If you’re in college, you probably have or have had one: a roommate. That girl that you love and want to strangle all at the same time, or maybe just the latter. Who would have thought the way someone turned a door knob would make you want to smash your head against a brick wall? Well, that’s what happens when you’re put into a 12 x 12 brick cubicle with one girl for the duration of an academic year.

To avoid being the reason for said head smashing, there are plenty of things us girls can do in order to be a good roommate. After one year in Kennedy, another in Patterson and one year (plus about a month) in an off campus apartment, I’m starting to get the hang of it (or so I think). This time, I’m talking about dorm living because the guidelines for apartment living are a smidgen different.

First and probably most obvious, leave your gross habits at home. We all have the habit of leaving our dirty clothes on the ground because who wants to bend all the way over to pick that stuff up? When you’re living with someone, you have to get over that hump and clean up after yourself. Nobody wants to see your undies still intertwined in your yoga pants that you’ve now worn for the past 4 days or the crusty tissues you were using the previous night laid out all over the ground. If you wouldn’t want to see hers, she is probably less than excited about seeing yours.

Next, shut up. Not in the mean way, but in the it’s-8am-and-you’re-banging-your-drawers-while-i’m-sleeping way. We’ve all been guilty of being a little bit too loud when our roommates are still trying to sleep. The best way to avoid this would be to try to make schedules as close to each other as possible but we all know that life is not that easy, so just try and be courteous when you’re awake and your roomie is still trying to get some shut eye.

Definitely don’t turn the light on in the morning. If you live in a Z room, get a lamp that you can use so you’re not turning the overhead light on. Also, if you know you’re going to be awake early, lay your clothes out the night before so you’re not opening and shutting your drawers, they’re heinously loud. Also, because I know from past experience, don’t try to make coffee at 8am while your roommate is sleeping. That’s also VERY loud. You’re better off stopping at Hamp Café or Procrastination Station than trying to tackle that obstacle. 

A problem I have had throughout sharing a room is the TV. I have to sleep with it on because I just can’t sleep in the pitch black/silence. I also usually sleep with Disney Channel on because then I run zero risk of seeing scary commercials. So, with those two necessities in mind, it’s hard to find a balance when your roommate needs complete silence and probably doesn’t act five years old. What my roommate Meg and I did freshman year in the Patterson square room is use the sleep timer. Also, I compromised and we watched E! instead (I think that’s a somewhat safe channel).

Of course, we all need to be respectful. This is very easy. Just avoid stealing your roommates clothes when she’s gone and if you’re going to do so, definitely don’t post the pictures of you in her clothes all over Facebook. Yeah, yeah, yeah, none of us have anything to wear in our massively packed closets, but the best thing to do is ask your apparently more-stylish-than-you-roommate if you can wear something of hers accompanied with a picture message of said clothing so you’re covering yourself. The next best thing is to go buy your own clothes if you don’t like what you have!

Remember, you are sharing a room, so don’t be selfish and basically follow the golden rule, treat your roommate how you would want to be treated – it’s really not too hard. Don’t leave your unpleasant surprises around the room, be respectful when it comes to sharing, ask if you want to borrow something, and shut up in the morning. Oh, but if you’re trying to get ready for your 2 o’clock class and your roommate is sleeping at 1, turn on your blow dryer and your TV, and open and close all of the drawers and wake her ass up, that’s just ridiculous.

Have a stress free year with your roomies, collegiettes!

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Samantha Walsh

U Mass Amherst

I am a rising senior journalism major, education minor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I've always enjoyed writing and journalism but my career goal is to become an elementary school teacher after I (hopefully) get my masters next year. I love hanging with my family, my puppy brother Charlie, and of course my friends. My friends and I can usually be seen at parties laughing uncontrollably, crying hysterically, and/or dancing like we're in a rap video. Sometimes all at once. It's a good time. My favorite past time is drinking iced coffee and I'm way too obsessed with my iPhone. I work full time in the summers at TPC Boston as a waitress and beverage cart girl. It's pretty ideal. Im super excited to start a life for myself outside of college but if you or anyone you know has a device to slow down time and make senior year last extra, extra long, please contact me. Xo
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst