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Here’s Why You Should Pursue a Business Minor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

For all my UMass besties who are pursuing their degrees in other majors, I highly recommend taking on the business minor to level up your higher education experience. In my opinion, it’s the best way to embody the girl boss mentality. Whether you plan to start your own business or not, the business minor is key to understanding the complex landscape of our capitalist society.

Before entering college, I thought I never wanted anything to do with business because the mere thought of perpetuating the American capitalism culture seemed too materialistic and misaligned with my interests (at the time). As my college experience began taking shape and my science courses became even more invigorating, I found myself questioning my studies in biochemistry and molecular biology. I felt as if my only two options were to pursue academia or become some trailblazing scientist who worked madly in a lab, neither of which I wanted to do. 

Then COVID happened. 

I was truly lost and stressed about my academic path, but around the same time, UMass sent an email about a new opportunity to pursue a business minor. I debated joining for a few days, but the pros far outweighed the cons, so I enrolled. For me, it was one of, if not the best decision I made in my undergraduate career. Here’s why.

The Girl Boss Mentality

The best way to become a girl boss? Learn the business ins and outs so you can master the craft. The minor won’t teach you how to be a pro in the conference room overnight, but it will build a solid foundation in the general business aspects like accounting, finance, and marketing.

Adulting 101 Crash Course

Stocks? Retirement plans? Taxes? No matter what your major is or what your dream job is, these will be important to your financial security postgrad, so it’s beneficial to at least have a general understanding. The business minor courses will familiarize you with these important topics, and the professors are obviously extremely knowledgeable, so use them to your advantage to ask any and all questions!

Endless Opportunities

Everything in our society is so interconnected, and business is a discipline that is involved in every industry. Having some background in business will add to your resume and toolbox of skills, allowing for more opportunities. Don’t knock it till you try it!

Since I began the UMass Isenberg business minor, I have learned more about the business models and practices that run our country. I also learned better money spending and saving habits, which will definitely be helpful when entering the workforce in a few short months! This minor is great for everybody because it has applications in every industry or job imaginable. So ladies, here’s to girl bossing too close to the sun!

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Meghan Kean

U Mass Amherst '22

Meghan is a biochemistry major with a business minor at UMass. In her free time she enjoys hanging out with friends, watching true crime, and drinking coffee!