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Hello, Gorgeous! Winter Wonder What Happened To My Skin…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

It seems that our heat wave has come to a screeching halt and winter is upon us. As much as I’ve enjoyed the continuation of warm weather and my denim shorts, there is something just so darn delightful about the onset of winter. With this season comes hot chocolate, flannel and the warmth (and undeniably delicious smell) of a crackling fire. Unfortunately, the wonderland that will become UMass in the coming weeks will also bring its dear friend, winter skin.

This week, I’m going to give y’all a few tips so you can hold on to that dewy epidermis all season long.

Some Easy Changes That Will Save Your Skin:

I know that when I get in the shower, I want that baby as hot as I can handle it. What’s better than a hot shower? Well, I’ll tell you: healthy skin. The blazing heat of the water might feel comforting but your skin is suffering. Try instead to take warm showers. You’ll be surprised how much more moisture your skin will retain.

Another moisture zapper that might surprise you is happening in your car! Turn the vents away from your face, or do one better and keep the heat on your feet. It’s tempting to thaw out your icy nose with a blast of warm air, but this small change could make a big difference to your skin. 

Drink a lot of water. Period.

Load up on Lush Loot:

Invest in a moisturizer.
 I have combination skin. I can be Oh So Oily one day, and chapped and chaffed the next. One moisturizer that has kept my skin balanced and soft is Murad’s Skin Perfecting Lotion (Sephora; $22). On a budget, however, Alba Botanica’s Jasmine and Vitamin E Moisture Cream (drugstores; $13.50) is a miracle product.
 Everyone’s skin is different so find a moisturizer that works for you and become religious about applying it. 

Keep a good lip balm on hand at all times. Chapped lips are never pretty, and prohibit you from putting on that beautiful lip shade you just bought. I love Jouer’s Lip Enhancer (online; $14).
This little magician took my pout from dry and cracked to silky smooth. If a lip balm isn’t something you’re interested in dropping dimes on, stick to classic Chapstick.

Home Remedies: 

On the subject of chapped lips, if you’ve already got them and want to get rid of them fast, take a toothbrush and gently scrub the bristles against your lips. This will clear the dead skin off in a flash. Immediately put on a lip balm afterward. 

There’s a little trick that I tried and it is incredible: 

  • Mix 1 part whole milk with 2 parts water and put it in a spray bottle. Spritz your face with it throughout the day to stay refreshed and moisturized. It seems odd and perhaps tedious, but you’ll thank me later. 

All right gorgeous, now that you’ve got the equipment and knowledge, go show winter whose boss.