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Hello Gorgeous! Realistic Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Now that resolution month has come and gone we can finally take the pressure off. Let’s face it, there’s nothing practical about dropping 20 pounds in a month or reading every single magazine that’s been piling up on your bedside table. Below are a few doable beauty resolutions that will keep you gorgeous all year long.  


1. Drink more WATER! Try to cut out soda and sugary drinks as much as possible and make the switch to the beverage that does nothing but good. In fact, a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning will kick start your metabolism for the day!


2. Get 6-8 hours of sleep a night when possible. We’ve all been through all-nighters whether they were due to a test or a night out, but bedtime is your body’s time to recover and refresh.


3. Lay down the straightener and the curling iron. No need to abuse your hair! Try to limit the heat to when you go out and embrace your natural texture during the day. Think Kate Hudson in Almost Famous, Kate Bosworth in Blue Crush, Kate Beckinsale in, well, everything. Okay, enough Kate’s, the point is they all rock natural texture in every form and it’s gorgeous

4. Floss! I know it’s tedious and it’s the last thing you think you have time for, but it will keep your smile stellar and out of the dentist’s chair.

5. Embrace your body! Nothing beats a post-gym glow, but don’t annihilate yourself.   Enjoy the occasional Antonio’s slice and give yourself a night off! We have to fall in love with ourselves and our bodies and do what makes us feel good, not burned out.

These are just some of the amazing thing’s you can do for yourself this year, but what’s most important is that you resolve to be the most healthy beautiful you!