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Hello, Gorgeous: Feverishly Fabulous!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Tis’ the season for sore throats and runny noses, everyone’s favorite time of the year to be sure. Kidding. Let’s agree that there is nothing fabulous about crumpled up tissues encircling your indented sofa.
I have managed to catch some sort of plague and as UMass is a fairly large establishment I assume that a few of you share my plight. An issue that has emerged for me is how on earth do I pull myself out of bed, wade through discarded tissues and cold medications, and sort out the mess that is my face? Without further ado, here are a few beauty elixirs that can be achieved without a pharmaceutical frenzy.

  1. If you choose to brave UHS, wear a mask. Will you look like someone desperately trying to avoid SARS? Yep. Is it worth it? Yep. If that’s a little too pandemic chic for you, just try to keep your nose and mouth covered with your scarf.  There are more viruses swirling around that place than there are bros on this campus, and you don’t want to walk out more sick than when you came in. Don’t worry; no one’s judging your fashion choices in UHS…except perhaps the triage nurse.
  2. Invest in Kleenex- Cool Touch (drugstores; $6.99). Holy Moses will this change the face of your cold! I can’t stand it when my nose gets that bitterly, raw to the touch, red look. The staple look of a cold victim can best be avoided by dabbing some chapstick around your nostrils. Sounds gross, but it’s a miracle I tell you!
  3. Slap on that Chapstick– For me, my lips are the first to lose their dazzle when I’m sick. Once lush and smooth, they now look like they’ve been kissing the surface of the sun.
    Miserable! I mend my mouth with the Cold & Allergy Soother by Blistex (drugstores; $1.55).
  4. Take a bubble bath! This is a treat you should be giving yourself anyway, but when you’re sick it makes you feel almost human again. Soak in the steam and break up some of that congestion. Don’t light candles because this can agitate your allergies, simply sit and soak. This is also a great way to relax when your      cold is keeping you up at night.
  5. Finally, don’t force yourself to put on makeup. If you want to do something to make you feel girly, try winding your hair in a bun on top of your head and securing it with bobby pins, then go to bed! When you let it loose in the morning it will have lovely body and texture.When you’re sick that’s really all you need along with a good lip balm and a cozy scarf.

I hope that these tips help lift your spirits in this time of sniffles and sneezes. Make yourself some tea, convince your boyfriend/roommates to baby you, and cozy up! You’ll be better in no time!