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He Said, She Said: Making the First Move

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Have you ever been that girl that gets hit on by all the wrong men? Have you ever spotted a cute guy across the bar and spent too long debating whether or not you should go over and talk to him, when suddenly another girl weasels her way in and steals his attention? Well, the times have changed, ladies, and it’s not just the man’s job to make the first move anymore! If you want him then stop pretending you’re focusing your attention on something else every time he catches you making googly eyes at him, and do something about it!

Women constantly make the mistake of waiting on the guy to come to her. If you know what you want, go after it… don’t wait for him to come to you because that may never happen and you could really be missing out. As you are weighing the pros and cons in the corner, there is another girl who is just as interested in him that is making the first move and winning him over before you even have the chance to act.

It’s 2011, not the 1960s. No more nonsense about how the guy is supposed to take charge and women aren’t supposed to be forward. Some people think that it makes you look easy if you come onto him first. Expressing your interest doesn’t make you easy! What makes you look easy is if you make the first move in a way that lets him know that your intentions are purely sexual. There may be a lot of guys out there that are just looking for a good time, but I promise you that there are even more that are looking for “the girl” – not just “tonight’s girl.”  

I honestly think that nowadays, men are charmed and even flattered when a girl is brave enough to take the wheel. The most important detail is to be confident. If you go over to him with your head up your you-know-what, tripping over your own feet, and stuttering about the time… you can kiss your chances goodbye. By no means am I saying that you should creep around the bar, pinching every butt you’re attracted to until you get some attention. But, you can be seductive with poise. All you have to do is show your dignity, be sexy, and prove to him that you mean business.

Now, you didn’t primp yourself and head uptown in that hot dress and high heels for nothing, did you? Squeeze through the crowd and dance on over to that cutie and let him know that you want to get to know him. The worst that could happen is that he is taken or isn’t interested. So what do you do then? Make your way back to your girls with your head held high, knowing that at least you tried.

Happy man-hunting ;)

*be sure to check back next week when our male contributor checks in!

Caroline Bagby is a senior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst majoring in Journalism and minoring in Spanish. She spent her summer interning at Kiss FM for Boston's #1 hit radio show and getting owned by the restaurant where she waited tables. She is now double interning for Her Campus and for ABC40 in Springfield, MA where she is working as a broadcast news intern. Caroline hopes to one day make a name for herself in the production industry. She enjoys spending the money she doesn't have, bubbletinis, watching movies, writing, and surrounding herself with friends and family.