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A “Good Riddance” to Cheaters: Reasons Why to Kick Him to the Curb

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Ladies, hopefully this doesn’t apply to all of you but I’m sure a decent amount of us college gals have met the player type who ended up breaking our hearts when he was “drunk” one night. It’s easy to go back to the guy who you had a passionate tie with or you just genuinely felt connected to. I dare you not to go back to those cheaters and here are some pretty valid reasons as to why you shouldn’t.

  1. He broke your heart. I promise that a real man wouldn’t do that. A guy can either be a boy, someone who toys with you, or a man, someone who will honor and respect you.

  2. Cheaters will always be cheaters. Although this might not be true a couple of years down the line, unfortunately it’s true now. We’re in college and being at a big of a school as UMass is tricky. You can’t possibly keep track of one guy and all that he’s doing without driving yourself nuts. Not to mention you shouldn’t be playing detective with a guy that you’re intimate with.

  3. Good memories make cheaters easier to go back to, but that’s just it – it’s the memories you’re missing, not him.

  4. If what you had with him was real, then you two will end up together. I’m a pretty big believer in fate, destiny, karma etc. Think about how people always come into your life and leave your life at just the right time. Point is, if your love was real, you two will end up like that happy prince and princess in the end of all of those story books.

  5. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. It’s hard to think that you have to start over and leave your cheating ex in the past, but there are so many different people out there who can offer something amazing for you.

So girls, start exploring your limits. It’s so easy to go back to the ex, but a cheating ex isn’t one who’s worth going back to. Now here’s a message from a very smart woman, Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” Just remember that you’re confident, beautiful, hopeful, and classy.

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Sarah Freudson

U Mass Amherst

Hey everyone!My name is Sarah Freudson and I'm a junior studying Legal Studies and Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies at Umass Amherst! I am a sister of Sigma Kappa Sorority and am very passionate about philanthropy. I volunteer my time as an art assistant, spending time with the elderly and visiting the sick at hospitals.My one goal in life is to visit as many countries as possible.  I am Ukrainian and I go back to the homeland to visit family as much as I can!The most significant thing about me is my idolization of F. Scott Fitzgerald. His quote: "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had," literally dictates my life. It shows the importance of volunteering along with the realization of how lucky we all are for our given circumstances.  I'm the type of girl that looks at the glass half full, thats for sure!!
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst