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A Girl’s Guide To: Football

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Now that it’s officially Fall, there are so many great things arriving: Pumpkin Spice Lattes, leaves changing, and if you’re into it: Football. However, for the Collegiettes out there that aren’t so football friendly, this is the worst time. All of our guy friends are all about fantasy football and the stats, and for the girls who don’t know diddly squat about it, it’s hard to stay involved in the conversation.

No fear, Collegiettes! We’ve got some talking points for you…

1) Always ask who has Adrian Peterson

He was pretty much the first guy to get picked for any draft (if the first pick knew what was happening) You impress the boys by knowing a player, and can ask the follow up question of if the person with Adrian had the first pick.

2) Talk about Romo

Say that he doesn’t get enough credit, and even if he throws interceptions, he still brings in huge numbers for whoever drafted him. Be prepared for that one guy to argue to his grave that Romo is a terrible pick, but talk about how in week six he threw 505 yards and 5 touchdowns. It’s enough to shut them up.

3) Use the lingo

Football lingo is a hard thing to come by. Check out NFL’s glossary of terms to figure out what exactly those boys are mumbling about when they say “Flier” or “PPR.”

4) Just keep saying bi-weeks are the most important thing to pay attention to

If they don’t pay attention to bi-weeks they miss out on playing someone who can give them points rather than someone who is off for the week.

5) Kickers are not that important.

Don’t talk about kickers, because chances are the boys won’t care.

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Katie Lynch

U Mass Amherst

A Communications and Journalism Major at UMass Amherst
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Alexa Harrison

U Mass Amherst

Alexa Harrison is the President and Editor in Chief of Her Campus UMass Amherst as well as a Management Intern at the Her Campus Media headquarters. She is a Senior English major and IT minor with a specialization in Nonfiction Writing. In her free time, Alexa enjoys going to museums; drinking iced green tea; and playing around with Adobe Creative Suite.