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Eye Candy: Zac Efron Edition (You’re Welcome)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

If you’ve been keeping up with your celebrity news lately, you probably have seen Zac Efron everywhere. Long gone are the High School Musical days filled with Zac’s boyish looks… I mean, HOLY SH*T HE GOT HOT! If you’ve been a Zac Efron fan since day one or even if he’s your current obsession, anyone can appreciate these next few images. Ladies, enjoy. Hey Zac, I’m single.

And just in case you wanted to see this in GIF form…

You’re welcome, Collegiettes.

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Rachel Annese

U Mass Amherst

A junior at UMass Amherst who enjoys all things Beyonce, singing in the shower, and spending endless nights watching The Office.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst