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Dining Hall Alternatives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

We’ve all been there. You’ve had a rough day and Berk is ridiculously crowded. The boy in front of you has just swiped up that slice of pizza you’ve been eyeing since you walked into the dining hall. A wave of unhealthy jealousy and rage take over. It’s easy to choose convenient, albeit fatty, foods. With our busy lives, who has time to get creative, or eat the same salad every night? Here are some healthier alternatives to the, not-so-spring-break friendly fare you may find yourself craving at one of our four dining halls. 
Swap French fries for Celery and Ranch Dressing

I know this sounds lame. But think about it: French fries and celery are essentially the same size, so it gives you something good to munch on. Ranch, obviously, isn’t great all the time, but in moderation is fine. If you use only a little bit, it makes the perfect snack with veggies.  
Swap Pizza for Grilled Flat Bread Pizza
If you must, must have a slice of pizza, Berkshire started a new section by the Vegetarian meals where they prepare something new almost every night. I’ve seen, (and tasted,) the grilled pizza that is featured there every week, and it’s so delicious.
This meal may not be exactly good for you, but it’s a much better choice than the greasy oven cooked pizzas. Try some basil and add loads of veggies for a healthier and yummy dinner.  
Swap Broccoli Cheddar Soup for Tomato Soup
Everyone loves broccoli cheddar soup, but everyone also knows all that cheese can’t be good for you. If you’re in the mood for something warm and comforting, tomato soup is the way to go. It has very little calories and
you can add some crotons or a little bit of shredded cheese to spice it up. 
Swap Burrito for Healthy Sandwich
What would Hamp be without their famous burritos? Well, for starters, probably a lot healthier. Skip all that sour cream and opt for the sandwich bar instead. In my opinion, Hampshire makes the best sandwiches and they offer a lot of healthy options.
Bread is especially important: it’s known that anything white (white bread, pasta, etc.) isn’t the best choice. Always go with wheat or multi-grain bread, I think it even tastes better than white. Don’t forget to toast it! 
Swap Bag of chips for Fruit (Blue wall/Hatch)
It’s so tempting and easy to grab a bag of chips with your sandwich everyday at the Blue Wall or Hatch (I did it all last semester). I mean, it’s sitting right there and comes with the combo meal! It’s also very dangerous. Eating a bag of chips a day does not fare well in a few months. I’ve been swapping the baked lays for an apple or orange. At Blue Wall, they even offer yogurt and hummus with pretzels in the fridge, which is a great addition to my sub. 
Swap Salad dressing for Olive Oil and Balsamic
You may think you’re being healthy by making a salad for dinner, but a lot of the time, the salad dressing has a ton of fat in it, ruining your “healthy” meal.
The olive oil and balsamic vinegar that sits beside all the dressings are often left unnoticed, but I am a huge fan. Not only does it have much less fat, it tastes just like the Ken’s brand (my favorite). Try it the next time you decide to make a salad! 
Swap Ice cream for Yogurt with Granola
I’m going to safely assume that everyone knows ice cream is not the best dessert choice. If you’re craving something sweet after dinner, get some yogurt and a little granola instead.
The organic, unflavored one is better for you and since granola is sugary, the organic type is better than the flavored. Sometimes I like to add some peanut butter on the side and at Berk, they have the new machine that makes the natural kind, which makes this snack guilt free. 
Swap Soda for Flavored Water
Soda is terrible for you. Plain and simple. There are so many studies on the benefits of water: clearer skin, curbs appetite, and just overall good for your body. Adding lemon to your water adds some flavor, and makes it seem like less of a chore to drink it.

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Kim Giordano

U Mass Amherst

Kim Giordano is a senior majoring in Communication at The University of Massachusetts Amherst. Kim has been writing for UMass' widely known student run newspaper, The Daily Collegian, since her freshman year and was recently named Blog Editor. She is also involved with community service programs Best Buddies and Relay For Life, as well as a member of the National Society of Leadership. Hailing from her hometown of Montvale, New Jersey, Kim loves reading (preferably with a cup of coffee in hand), live music, and a good clothing sale. Kim would love to end up writing, but whatever she does, she'll be in New York while doing it.