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Diary of a West Coast Transplant at UMass

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

My decision to travel across the country for college was easy. Even as a little girl I imagined going far away for school so I figured, “Why not push my limits and see if I can handle it?” I’m a semester in and I’d say I’m surviving pretty well, but there’s been a huge learning curve that I’ll probably never understand. I know I’m not the only Collegiette who has gone from west to east so I’m sure some of you will understand what I’m saying here. To make this crystal clear, these are some of my most common thoughts and questions upon coming here, because the confusion never ends. #kanyeshrug

1. Why does no one smile back at me when I make eye contact walking? People must’ve thought I was crazy judging by the glares I got and puzzled half smiles. In Portland, and according to my SoCal roommate, people just smile at strangers on the street. It’s normal, if not encouraged. It brightens my day but obviously this is not a thing here and therefore I’m creepy.

2. Why does everyone keep saying ‘wicked’? WHAT IS HAPPENING THAT IS SO WICKED? Turns out everything can be wicked. Good things, bad things, cold things, hot things – literally anything. I swore I would never say it, but I’ve begun catching myself saying it casually and then going wide eyed as I realize that I’ve betrayed my inner Portlandian.

3. Where did the letter r go? Seriously. No explanation needed.

4. What are the negative degrees and why do people act like they’re normal? I’m a human icicle and no one bats an eye. The most Portland gets is rain and this just isn’t going to work.

5. No… Portland is not like the show Portlandia (well kind of maybe a lot but I refuse to admit it).

6. Yes… every corner you turn there will be a hipster using the word “ironic” ironically.

7. Why are you referring to yourself as a “Masshole”? That’s an insult. I don’t get it.

8. Why am I so far from home? I couldn’t tell you but I kinda like it.

9. Why is no one else excited about snow?! THIS IS SO COOL; IT’S LIKE FROZEN! No one cares? Okay I’m going to go make snow angels alone now. 

10. My most controversial opinion is… Dunkins is not real coffee. Starbucks is better, but Stumptown coffee trumps all. That, and every other ~*~hIpSteR~*~ coffee place because, I mean, the Pacific Northwest is known to be full of coffee snobs and it’s because we know what we’re doing. I’m going to go hide now before an angry mob forms. No one on the east coast will understand the dedicated following Stumptown has.

As horribly confused as I am 90% of the time as I walk through campus, there’s not a thing I would change about my decision to switch coasts. The east coast is my new home and it’s wicked cool. (Did I use that right?)

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Elena Lopez

U Mass Amherst

Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst