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Daniel Stewart ’12 designs UMass app for iPhone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.
Junior Daniel Stewart, with assistance from junior Stephanie Cheung, designed the free UMass iPhone application in the summer of 2010 primarily for new students to navigate through campus and learn the history of the academic buildings.

The application provides point-to-point directions to 130 campus buildings, over 85 images, and links to the UMass homepage, SPIRE, SPARK, athletics, Dining Services, transit schedules, and other campus-related sites.

The university released an advertisement looking for someone to create the application, and Stewart responded. This allowed UMass to compete with other universities who had a similar application.

“It took two weeks,” said Stewart when asked how long it took to develop. “I spent the rest of the summer getting feedback and working out all the bugs and issues.”

When Stewart started his UMass career he was a computer science major, which he says provided him with the experience necessary to succeed in this project.

The university funded approximately $1000 toward the project, which Stewart used to purchase guides on how to use the program. Since the application is an Apple product, he had to purchase a Mac computer for about $1200, which was an out-of-pocket expense.

Now that students are able to have the app right at their fingertips there is no need for those bulky maps. So fear not freshmen, days of standing out are over. And for all you upperclassmen: finding game times, checking grades, and making sure you have enough credits to graduate is just a click (or touch of the screen) away. This app is a must-have thanks to Daniel Stewart and it can be downloaded via iTunes. Staying connected has never been so easy!

Caroline Bagby is a senior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst majoring in Journalism and minoring in Spanish. She spent her summer interning at Kiss FM for Boston's #1 hit radio show and getting owned by the restaurant where she waited tables. She is now double interning for Her Campus and for ABC40 in Springfield, MA where she is working as a broadcast news intern. Caroline hopes to one day make a name for herself in the production industry. She enjoys spending the money she doesn't have, bubbletinis, watching movies, writing, and surrounding herself with friends and family.