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Collegiette™ Couture: Spring Break Essentials for Warm Weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.
For UMass and many other schools, spring break is next week! Whether you’re going to the beach, hitting the slopes, or just staying home, I’m helping you pack for each destination.

If You’re Heading to the Beach…

1. Bathing suit
With many designers’ resort collections out, finding a hot new suit for your spring break is easy. You can’t go wrong with a black bikini. It’s chic, elegant, simple and flattering. Splurging on one is worth it, you’ll have it for years and it takes the stress out of getting ready for the beach.

Stores like J.Crew, Victoria’s Secret, Target and Ralph Lauren are your best bets when buying a suit. They have the most flattering fits, durable fabrics and a seemingly endless selection of styles to choose from.

One of my personal favorites is this one from J.Crew. I love the ruffles; it gives the bikini a flirty feel.

2. Hat
Though you’re on the beach to tan, a hat is a must have for when you’re under the sun. It doesn’t have to be a granny visor or baseball hat; there are some cute options out there!

This cute straw fedora from Urban Outfitters will give any suit a rock n’ roll feel. Pair it with big aviators and voilà, effortless cool.

I also love this flouncy hat from Urban Outfitters; it evokes old Hollywood glamour!

3. Cover Up
For when you’re not swimming and just want to lounge, the cover up is a perfect and cute piece that is a necessity when bound for the beach.

Victoria’s Secret has a huge selection of styles and colors to choose from. My favorite is this striped sweater; it looks so cozy while still being light enough to wear around the pool.

4. Sandals
Pedicure time! Whatever your style, sandals are a must when heading somewhere warm. When I go to the beach, I usually just rock some flip-flops from Old Navy, (gotta love two pairs for five dollars!)

However, sometimes you want to sport something a bit more stylish on your feet, so you can’t go wrong with a pair of bright ones like these from Topshop!

5. Sunglasses
A staple for any warm weather wardrobe, a pair of sunnies completes any outfit. I’m partial
to over-sized, Olsen twin style ones, but to each their own.  From aviators to Ray-bans, there’s a style for everyone.

Forever 21 has a great selection; I like these, over-sized and simple.

So there you have it! All set for that tropical spring break you’ve been hitting the gym for. Just remember, load on the spf…wouldn’t want a first day burn to ruin your whole trip.

Caroline Bagby is a senior at the University of Massachusetts Amherst majoring in Journalism and minoring in Spanish. She spent her summer interning at Kiss FM for Boston's #1 hit radio show and getting owned by the restaurant where she waited tables. She is now double interning for Her Campus and for ABC40 in Springfield, MA where she is working as a broadcast news intern. Caroline hopes to one day make a name for herself in the production industry. She enjoys spending the money she doesn't have, bubbletinis, watching movies, writing, and surrounding herself with friends and family.