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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Name: Amanda Rose Aziz

Age: 21

Year: 2015 (currently pursuing an Accelerated Master’s Degree in Political Science)

Hometown: Methuen, MA

Major: Political Science and Spanish (2015)

Relationship Status: Single

HC UMass Amherst: How would you describe yourself in three words?

AA: Adventurous, free-spirited, and driven


HC UMass Amherst: What are some of your hobbies?

AA: Running, yoga, being with my family and friends


HC UMass Amherst: Who is your favorite superhero and why?

AA: He may not have super powers, but my favorite hero is my dad. As a fire fighter, he can’t rely on super strength or super speed to do his job well, but he uses his unbelievable work ethic and drive to provide for his family and make sure we lead happy, healthy lives.

HC UMass Amherst: What is your best UMass memory?

AA: The day before graduation, my best UMass friends took me out to Amherst Brewing Company, where we just relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company. Later they surprised me at my dorm with cake and a game of Catchphrase. In true Amanda fashion, I then pulled the last all-nighter of my undergraduate career to finish a paper, which I handed in hours before graduation. 


HC UMass Amherst: What’s your guilty pleasure?

AA: Christmas music!


HC UMass Amherst: What’s the #1 thing on your UMass bucket list?

AA: To try every different kind of Antonio’s pizza at least once

HC UMass Amherst: What’s your favorite movie quote of all-time?

AA: “Great moments are born from great opportunity.” – Herb Brooks, Miracle


HC UMass Amherst: If you had three wishes from a non-tricky genie, what would you wish for?


1. World peace

2. Lifetime passes to Harry Potter World

3. Universal Bloody Mary drinking fountains


All photos courtesy of Amanda Aziz.

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Jill Kuzeja

U Mass Amherst

UMass senior, equestrian, and lover of all things Disney.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst