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Boyfriends and Best Friends: Finding Time for Both

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

Okay ladies, let’s think about this seriously. Is it really that difficult to find a balance between spending time with your boyfriend and your friends? I mean, it does require a little effort on your part, but aren’t the important people in your life, such as your family, best friends, and boyfriend, worth that effort? I would think so… So then why do we always seem to make this harder than it actually is? Your relationship with your friends should not be affected just because you get a boyfriend and yet somehow this always seems to be an issue.

Relationships and communication are two way streets. You can’t expect your friends to be the only ones making plans and always reaching out to you. If you start to text them less they will notice and they will most likely be upset. Just because you have a boyfriend does not mean your friends should be pushed to the backburner.

One of the easiest solutions for this is to make a lot of group plans. By this, I do not mean inviting one of your friends out on a date with your boyfriend. That is third wheeling and we all know it is not enjoyable. When I say group plans, I mean five or more people getting together. You can do just about anything: go to the movies, plan a bonfire, or even go to dinner. But remember, this is not alone time with your boyfriend. This is time for you to spend with your friends and for your boyfriend to get to know your friends if he didn’t know them previously. You really don’t want to miss out on this time with your friends.

Another solution is to keep up with a girls’ night. Find a day that consistently works for all of you and keep those plans throughout the entire summer or winter break. Whether you are getting together to watch television shows or making dinner plans at IHOP, a girls’ night is still time spent with your closest girlfriends and that time spent with them is really important. They want to see that you are making an effort to keep up with your friendship; they don’t want to be forgotten.

While I am sure your friends will be happy that you are happy, I also know that your friends want to feel just as important as that boyfriend of yours. Don’t leave the conversations and plan-making up to them when you get involved in a relationship. Be sure to make time for both your boyfriend and best friends Collegiettes!

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Katie McCarthy

U Mass Amherst

19. UMass Amherst '16. Sigma Kappa.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst